Forms and Guidelines
Forms and Guidelines

Academic Integrity and Misconduct


The University defines rules around academic misconduct and they are set out in the Academic Integrity Rule 2021. All students should make themselves familiar with the Rule and consequences of breaching the Rule.

For more information please visit the ANU College of Law Academic Integrity and Misconduct guidelines

Admission to Practice

In order to be admitted to practice you must meet the admission requirements above and make an application in the form specified by the Supreme Court in the State or Territory in which you are seeking to being admitted.

For more information please visit the Admission to Practice page

Assessment Extension, Deferment Options and ANU Extension Policy

ANU recognises that not all students are the same and that sometimes life gets in the way of studying. ANU offer a variety of reasonable adjustments to help students succeed with their studies. However, finding what is available to you at any given time and to suit your individual circumstances can be difficult.

If you are unsure which adjustments are available to you, either for your assessment, quiz, test or examination, click the button below and answer this 30 second questionnaire.

Find your Options HERE

ANU Policy and ANU COL Guidelines on Extensions

There is a University-wide policy on: extensions of assessment due dates; the late submission of work without an extension; and associated penalties.

For more information please visit the ANU College of Law Extensions, late submission and penalties guidelines

Assessment Review and Appeals

The University policy on review of final results in a course is contained in the Student Assessment (Coursework) policy. Appeals are conducted in accordance with the Assessment Rule (which is referred to in that policy).

For more information please visit the College's Assessment Review and Appeals page.

Class Representative process

Student representation in class is an important component of the teaching and learning process at the ANU College of Law. A class representatives is a student who is enrolled in a class and who is responsible for representing the cohort of that class.

For more information please visit the Class Representative Process page

College Letter Requests

If you need an Official Academic Transcript, please order a hardcopy academic transcript using the 'request a transcript' button on your ISIS homepage, or:

  • NavBar (Compass Icon) > Navigator > ISIS > Academic Records > Request a Transcript

If you're unable to access ISIS, My eQuals or have any other questions about confirming your academic record please email Student Central.

For all other letter requests, please complete the online application to request a letter. Options include:

  • Program Completion Letter,
  • Enrolment Confirmation Letter,
  • Program Confirmation
  • Letter, Statement of Results (unofficial transcript).
  • There is also the option to request a bespoke letter.

ANU limits the academic ranking of students within a course, academic program or academic career to the use of the Grading scale and/or the Grade Point Average (GPA) calculation and/or the Prizes framework.

If a course/class ranking letter is required for an application to another University, the ANU College of Law Student and Education Support team will provide you with a letter stipulating this.

Request a College Letter

Course Study Load and Overloading

In accordance with ANU policy: Student Academic Load and Progression a student is considered to be overloading if they undertake more than 24 units in a single study period.

For more information please visit the ANU College of Law Course Study Load and Overloading Guidelines


Students who have undertaken previous study that is relevant to their current academic program can request to receive course credit based on their prior learning. University rules, policy and procedure relating to the granting credit is set out the Coursework Awards Rule, Policy: Recognition of prior and external learning and Procedure: Credit and exemptions.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the transfer of credit towards your program from another institution. Where the courses passed at another institution are deemed as equivalent to those offered at ANU. Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is when your previous studies are recognised and counted towards your degree as credit. Credit will not be approved for relevant work experience at the ANU College of Law.

Apply for CreditANU College of Law Credit Guidelines


Current and continuing coursework and non-award students must re-enrol themselves for each academic period by the appropriate deadline. Failure to meet the deadlines may have financial and academic consequences. Most course enrolments can be done through ISIS.

Please see the Enrolment Information page for further information.

Examination and other Assessment

Assessments and exams are a typical part of university life and are used to measure your study progress and overall academic performance.

Find information about the assessment and exam in the ANU College of Law Examination and Other Assessment page.

Feedback and Complaints

At the ANU College of Law, we are interested in your feedback. Feedback helps us to know what we are doing well, and what we can do better.

For more information please visit the ANU College of Law Feedback and complaints guidelines


The University’s Student Assessment (Coursework) Policy and Student Assessment (Coursework) Procedure detail the policy framework for assessment and grading at the ANU. The grades, numerical marks and standards set out in Table 1 of that policy apply to ANU College of Law coursework programs. 

For more information please visit the ANU College of Law Grading guidelines

Guide to Appropriate Student Behaviour

This is referred to and explained in all Class Summaries for all ANU College of Law Courses. All students are expected to adopt the conduct set out in the guide for the entire period of their study in these programs. These Guidelines are in line with the ANU Student Code of Conduct.

For more information please visit the ANU College of Law Guide to Appropriate Student Behaviour

Honours in Law

All ANU undergraduate law students will be enrolled in an LLB(Hons) program as this degree program has been in place since 2015. This program delivers and assesses Honours-level research skills in all coursework, including both compulsory and elective courses. This means that a student enrolled in this program is eligible to be awarded a degree with Honours without needing to write a thesis. This path to Honours is also called embedded honours.

For more information please visit the Honours in Law page

Program Completion Time-limits

The maximum period for a student to complete a program is the following period beginning on the day the program commences.

For more information please visit the program completion time-limits page

Research Papers

A research paper may be taken as part of a Bachelor of Laws (Hons), Juris Doctor, Master of Laws, Master of Financial Management and Law or Master of International Law and Diplomacy program. The course is worth 12 units and involves the completion of a 11,000 -16,000 word research thesis. The specific length will vary, depending on what course or program you are enrolled into.

For more information please visit the Supervised Research Paper page if you are enrolled in the Bachelor of Laws (Hons) program.

For the Juris Doctor, Master of Laws , Master of Financial Management and Law or Master of International Law and Diplomacy programs, please see the Graduate Research Unit page for more information


The ANU College of Law provides students with the opportunity within their program to focus on a particular area of law. Specialisations at ANU require 24 units of study.

For more information please visit the College's Specialisations page.

Studying Elsewhere

You may be able to study elsewhere at another institution, whether it be domestic or overseas and have it counted towards your ANU law degree.

For more information please visit the Information and Application page

Time Adjustments for Assessment

Students from linguistically diverse backgrounds (including Indigenous Australians), may be eligible for additional time in examinations and timed assessments, provided the criterion is met.

Students holding a current Education Access Plan (EAP) may be eligible for additional time in examinations, quizzes and take home assignments. This is dependent on the provision of extra time for assessment and/or Special (Alternative) Exam Arrangements (SEAs) being approved and set in place by ANU Accessibility (previously Access and Inclusion). Students are required to submit an application at least two weeks prior to the scheduled assessment piece to arrange a time adjustment For more information, please visit the ANU College of Law Assessment Time Adjustments page.

Travel Approval e-Form

A placement or international opportunity will be one of the most rewarding aspects of your time at the ANU College of Law, as exciting as they are varied. The College facilitates over 1000 international internships, Global Exchange placements, offshore mooting opportunities, short courses and independently arranged study abroad placements each year.

Aside from having a productive and rewarding experience, it is important to the College that you have a safe one. Anyone travelling outside the ACT, either domestically or internationally, must complete the ANU Travel Approval e-Form. This ensures that the ANU knows the whereabouts of students (and staff) at all times whilst travelling away from Canberra.

Student Guide on How to complete the ANU Travel Approval eForm

Word length and excess word penalties

The ANU College of Law requires all students to strictly adhere to set word lengths.  Penalties will be applied where those strict word limits are exceeded.

For more information please visit the ANU College of Law Word length and excess word penalties guide


Law Student and Education Support team

(02) 6125 3483