Event series
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This webinar series, co-organised by the ANU Law School, the American Society of International Law (ASIL), and the Law Association for Asia and the Pacific (LAWASIA), presents a review of the status of Indigenous rights struggles in the diverse countries of the Asia-Pacific region. 







Climate justice

Are you considering studying law and have questions about the program, campus life, career prospects, or anything else? The ANU Law School is here to help! 

Join us for our upcoming drop-in session, where you will have the opportunity to speak with current students and faculty members to get an inside look at what it’s like to study law at the Australian National University. 

This is a casual, come-and-go event where you can drop in and ask anything you would like – from admissions and scholarships, to study plans and specialisations (and everything in between). We will be on hand to provide comprehensive support, answer your questions, and guide you through our programs, courses, and resources. 

ANU Law School | Ask us anything

The Visiting Judges Program offers a range of extracurricular events to students, enriching and enhancing the student learning experience. The ANU College of Law welcomes a diverse range of judges, from different jurisdictions around Australia, and age groups, genders, sexualities and ethnic backgrounds providing empathetic guidance from recognised leaders in their field. 

Through this program, students have the opportunity to engage and interact with judges and their perspectives on working in the law, enabling students to identify more clearly what judges do, their journeys through the profession, and the life lessons that they have brought to the practice of law and judging. Given the central role of Judges in our legal system, the two-way communication between students and judges is essential to empowering and inspiring a new generation of legal professionals; leaders who will reflect the diversity and talent of modern Australia.

ANU College of Law Research Seminar Series

The ANU Law and Philosophy Forum is an interdisciplinary group focused on issues spanning law and philosophy.

Its core purpose is to promote research, discussion, and exchanges on various topics in law and philosophy, covering aspects of both private law and public law, and issues within both legal and political philosophy.

The Forum hosts guest speakers, holds workshops, and discusses recent scholarship of note in the field. Meetings are open to faculty members and research students from ANU College of Law and ANU School of Philosophy, and friends and colleagues of both.

Sign up to the ANU Law and Philosphy Forum mailing list to keep up-to-date with upcoming events.

ANU Law and Philosophy Forum event series

Visiting Fellows and other invited academic and professional visitors play a vital role in the ANU College of Law's vibrant intellectual community, including contributing to research and education, facilitating connections with partner institutions and organisations, and providing opportunities for collaboration with academic staff.

ANU College of Law Visitors Seminar Series

Held each year, the Lionel Murphy Lecture is sponsored by the Lionel Murphy Foundation to honour the contributions to public life of The Hon Lionel Murphy.

Lionel Murphy was a lawyer, politician, Parliamentarian and Judge. He held the office of Commonwealth Attorney-General and was a High Court Justice. He was an advocate for social justice and human rights and as Attorney-General he initiated a range of law reforms including the introduction of the Family Law Act and establishment of the Family Court, freedom of access to government information, abolition of the death penalty and legislation outlawing racial and other discrimination. He also set up the legal aid system and the Law Reform Commission.

The first Memorial lecture was delivered by in the Hon. Justice Michael Kirby AC, CMG in 1987 and has been delivered each subsequent year by a notable Australian.

Lionel Murphy, photo courtesy of Justinian

Given each year in memory of the late ANU Law Professor, Phillipa Weeks, this annual lecture is delivered by national and international experts highlighting key issues in the area of labour law.  


Phillipa Weeks hero image

Named after the first Professor of Law at the ANU College of Law, Geoffrey Sawer, this annual lecture is presented by noted national and international legal luminaries.

Geoffrey Sawer hero image

Attracting leading administrative law jurists, commentators and practitioners, the Public Law Weekend is one of Australia’s leading public law gatherings.

Public Law Weekend hero image

Established to recognise the long passion and service to International Law by The Hon Michael Kirby, this lecture series is delivered each year by notable experts and key legal office holders.


Annual Kirby lecture hero image