2022 audience
ANU College of Law Excellence in Education Award

Celebrate the educators at ANU College of Law who guide, inspire, motivate and facilitate learning!

Nominate an academic or tutor (full-time or fractional; continuing or casual sessional) for their excellence in education and explain why your nominee has made such an outstanding contribution to learning.

Who can nominate: Students and staff at the ANU College of Law

Categories of awards:

  • Award for Teaching Excellence
  • Award for Excellence in Supervision
  • Award for Excellence in Tutoring
  • Award for Indigenous Education
  • Award for Program or Service that Enhances Learning
  • Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning
  • WATTLE (Web Access To Teaching and Learning Environments) Award

Closing date: End of October each year. You can nominate all year round and any nominations received after October will be rolled over to the following year.

Submit a nomination

1. Eligibility

Both staff and students from any program in the ANU College of Law are invited to nominate any teacher within the College for an Excellence in Education Award. All staff who teach law students (in any capacity) are eligible for nomination for the awards: full-time or fractional; continuing or casual sessional.

Nominations can be made for any aspect of teaching, including face-to-face and online teaching, tutoring, Honours and Higher Degree Research supervision. Nominations may be of an individual or a teaching team.

Award categories

  • Award for Teaching Excellence
  • Award for Excellence in Supervision
  • Award for Excellence in Tutoring
  • Award for Indigenous Education
  • Award for Program or Service that Enhances Learning
  • Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning
  • WATTLE Award

One recipient will be awarded for each Award category, unless there are exceptional circumstances. More than one Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning may be awarded.

2. Nominators

The Selection Committee will rely to a significant extent on the information you provided in your nomination. No self-nomination is permitted.

Please give the reasons for your nomination, providing as many concrete details and stories as possible to illustrate how your nominee is outstanding in education.

Note that the information in your nomination (though not your name) will be given to the nominee to enable them to prepare a short reflective statement about their teaching for the Selection Committee.

Any nominations made after the deadline will be considered for the following year's awards.

3. Awards criteria and process


Staff can be nominated by students or colleagues. Nominations for the awards close at the end of October each year. You can nominate all year round and any nominations received after October will be rolled over to the following year.


Nominated staff will be notified of their nomination and given the information provided by the nominator (though not their name). Nominees will then be invited to submit a one-to-two-page statement (maximum 500 words) that puts the information supplied with their nomination in context and addresses one or more of the selection criteria listed below. In addition, a statement (maximum 500 words) addressing their SELT results is requested.

Nominees may include up to five pages of attachments or a short teaching video in support of their case. Nominees are encouraged to keep these statements brief and relatively informal — the Selection Committee will be looking for authentic expressions of teaching excellence, not the most polished application.

Selection criteria

  • Approaches to teaching and the support of learning that influence, motivate and inspire students to learn.
  • Development of curricula, resources or services that reflect a command of the field.
  • Evaluation practices that bring about improvements in teaching and learning.
  • Innovation, leadership or scholarship that has influenced and enhanced learning and teaching and/ or the student experience.

Deliberation and selection committee

Nominations will be considered by a Selection Committee appointed by the Associate Dean (Education). The Selection Committee will normally comprise:

  • the Associate Dean (Education)
  • the Head of School
  • the College Student and Education Support Senior Manager
  • an Educational Developer from the College Student and Education Support team
  • a staff member external to the College

The Committee will consider the strength of the information provided by nominators and nominees against the selection criteria below, noting that most nominations will focus on a particular criterion or group of criteria (but not all). In addition, to assist with the selection process, the Committee may access a nominee’s course Wattle sites and/or course SELT evaluations.

If a nominee is also a recipient of a recent award, the Committee will take this into consideration.

The Associate Dean Education is automatically deemed ineligible to receive an award.

The Selection Committee will make recommendations in November for awards to the Associate Dean (Education) for approval by the College Dean.

4. Presentation of awards

Nominees will be celebrated, and award winners will be recognised and acknowledged at an ANU College of Law event.

5. Contact

For more information, email the ANU College of Law Associate Dean (Education)