Assessment Time Adjustments

Students from linguistically diverse backgrounds (including Indigenous Australians), may be eligible for additional time in examinations and timed assessments, provided the criterion is met. 

Students holding a current Education Access Plan (EAP) may be eligible for additional time in examinations, quizzes and take home assignments. If the EAP includes extra time for assessment and/or has Special (Alternative) Examination Arrangements (SEAs) the provision of extra time will be facilitated.

Language backgrounds other than English (LBOTE)

Students from linguistically diverse backgrounds (including Indigenous Australians), may be eligible for additional time in examinations and timed assessments, provided the criterion is met. A timed assessment is a quiz, test, mid-semester assignment or examination that is designed to be completed within a specific period. The time allotted for a timed assessment can vary widely depending on the nature and complexity of the assessment, but it will be predetermined in course of each class summary.

Under the Policy, Student assessment (coursework) (clauses 29–33), students from linguistically diverse backgrounds (including Indigenous Australians), may be eligible for additional time in examinations and timed assessments.

If you are a new student to the ANU College of Law, coming from a language background other than English, you may be able to apply special assessment arrangements for your examinations and timed assessments within your first year of study at an Australian tertiary institution. These arrangements are designed to help you transition to studying in English at the ANU and approval is course based. If approved, you will be eligible for 33% extra for a timed assessment. You can apply for a time adjustment if you:

  • have been educated in a country where English is not the first language and you speak a language other than English at home; or
  • were born outside Australia; arrived in Australia up to 10 years prior to the date of application; and you speak a language other than English at home; or
  • were born in Australia but have lived permanently in a country where English is not the first language and you speak a language other than English at home;

As well as meeting one of the requirements above you must also:

  • be in your first 12 months of enrolment at a Australian tertiary institution and in either full-time or part-time study mode; and
  • demonstrate a mix of both linguistic and cultural factors, which disadvantage you in timed assessment tasks such as exams or tests conducted in English; and
  • have evidence that you are undertaking formal English language training courses or are engaged in activities that can be expected would improve English language skills. You must by week 7, demonstrate that you satisfy the criteria of the policy and that you engaged in a minimum of ten hours per semester demonstrated through participation in the not for credit course LAWS1001 / LAWS6001: English in a Legal Context.

Applications will be assessed by the appropriate delegate on the basis of the teaching model, activities and assessment tasks involved in the course. Arrangements will be made on a case-by-case basis to assist you in completing your assessment. Please note that students who have studied more than 12 months (two semesters) at an Australian tertiary institution are not eligible to apply for special assessment arrangements.


Step 1 - Submit application

To apply LBOTE adjustments for a formal examination, you must submit an application by the end of week eight of the semester. All examinations are conducted during the university formal examination periods. Please note that you will need to apply for each semester you wish to have special examination arrangements.

To apply LBOTE adjustments for a timed assessment, you must submit a separate application for each individual timed assessment. If the class summary states, “no time adjustments shall be applied for this task” a time adjustment will not be applied for that task.

Students seeking to apply for concessions made under the Policy, Student assessment (coursework) (clauses 29–33) must demonstrate that they satisfy the criteria of the policy and that they engaged in a minimum of ten hours per semester demonstrated through participation in the not for credit course LAWS1001 / LAWS6001: English in a Legal Context.

Students must submit the online Application for Time Adjustments and Additional Time form.

Apply Now


Step 2 - Notification

You will be notified in writing by the College Student and Education Support (CSES) team once an outcome has been made by the appropriate delegate.

For online examinations, students will be notified in writing by the CSES team when the adjustments have been calculated and set up in Wattle. This information will include the new submission time, detailing the amount of extra time that has been applied. Students will receive an email confirming the adjustments to all scheduled examination up to one week prior to the scheduled exam date.

For in-person examinations, students will be notified in writing by the Examinations, Graduations, Academic Progression and Prizes Office (EGAPP) team. This information will include the new submission time, detailing the amount of extra time that has been applied. Students will receive an email confirming the adjustments to all scheduled examination up to one week prior to the scheduled exam date.

For individual timed assessments, once an outcome has been made, the CSES team will notify you in writing and apply the required adjustments (if eligible). This information will include the new submission time, detailing the amount of extra time that has been applied.


Step 3 - Submit an appeal (if required)

Appeals relating to special assessment may be made under the Undergraduate Award Rules and Graduate Coursework Award Rules (as appropriate).

If you are dissatisfied with the decision regarding your request for special assessment, you may appeal to the Associate Dean (Education) to review the decision. This appeal must be made in writing within 20 working days of the date of advice of the original decision.

You may appeal the decision of the College Associate Dean (Education) to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) on procedural grounds only. This appeal must be made in writing within 20 working days of the date of advice of the decision by the College Associate Dean (Education).


Education Access Plan (EAP)

Students holding a current Education Access Plan (EAP) may be eligible for additional time in examinations, quizzes and take home assignments. If the EAP includes extra time for assessment and/or has Special (Alternative) Examination Arrangements (SEAs) the provision of extra time will be facilitated.

All examinations are conducted during the university formal examination periods.

  • All formal online examinations: students holding a current EAP that includes Special (Alternative) Exam Arrangements (SEAs), the provision of extra time will be facilitated and actioned by the College Student and Education Support (CSES) team.
  • All on-campus examinations: students holding a current EAP that includes Special (Alternative) Exam Arrangements (SEAs), the provision of extra time will be facilitated and actioned by the Examinations, Graduations, Academic Progression, Prizes & Timetabling Office (EGAPPT).

The extra time provision determined by ANU Accessibility (previously Access and Inclusion) will automatically be applied by the CSES team to all eligible students’ scheduled examinations. Students do not need to send through their EAP documents or apply through the webform for additional time. Once the CSES team have applied the required adjustments, students will receive an email confirming the adjustments to all scheduled examination up to one week prior to the scheduled date.

A timed assessment is a quiz, test or take-home assignment or examination that is designed to be completed within a specific period. The time allotted for a timed assessment can vary widely depending on the nature and complexity of the assessment, but it will be predetermined in course of each class summary. Students holding a current Education Access Plan (EAP) may be eligible for additional time in quizzes, tests, and take-home assignments

Unlike examinations scheduled during the university's formal examination period, EAP adjustments are not automatically applied to online quizzes, tests, and take-home assignments. It is the student's responsibility to request time adjustments for these assessments. Please note that this application must be submitted at least one week before the assessment date.


Step 1 - Submit application

Students must complete and submit the online Application for Time Adjustments and Additional Time form.

Apply Now


Step 2 – Notification

Students will be notified in writing by the CSES team when the adjustments have been calculated and set up in WATTLE. This information will include the new submission time, detailing the amount of extra time that has been applied as per the EAP and all other necessary information.