Assessment Review and Appeals

The University policy on review of final results in a course is contained in the Student Assessment (Coursework) policy. Appeals are conducted in accordance with the Assessment Rule 2016.

This information applies to all undergraduate and graduate coursework in the ANU College of Law. It outlines the steps to be followed by a student seeking a review of a result for an assessment task within a course or a final course result and is based on the ANU Student Assessment (Coursework) policy and the ANU Assessment Rule.

All students have a right to seek a review of, and to appeal against, a result for an assessment task within a course, or their final result in a course. In accordance with the Assessment Rule 2016, rule 12(1), that right crystallises after the student’s final result for a course has been published. This means that the student should generally only initiate a Stage One appeal after they have received their final results for a course.

However, where the result is for an assessment task in relation to which failure to pass or to attain a particular mark has the effect of precluding a student from progressing in the course (including preventing him/her from taking the final exam), the student may seek a review of the result for that assessment task and must do so within three days of receipt of that result.1

In all cases, the student must first discuss the result in question with the course convenor2. In relation to specific assessment tasks during the course of the semester, this discussion will most appropriately take place shortly after receipt of the marked work. The convenor may refer the student to the staff member who examined the work. Many concerns over results are resolved by informal discussion at this threshold stage.
The College expects students to access marked assessment promptly and to raise any concerns as soon as possible. Unreasonable delay in doing so may significantly undermine a student’s application.

If after such discussion, a student believes they have received an inappropriate or incorrect result (because the established criteria of assessment or some aspect of the Assessment Rule 2016 or relevant policy or  procedure has not been followed) and wishes to appeal that result, the following procedures apply.

We encourage you to seek advice from an independent person knowledgeable about the process and aware of potential outcomes. The Dean of Students and the ANU Student Association (ANUSA) are available to provide you with advice. Depending on your circumstances, Student Safety and Wellbeing, ANU Counselling or Accessibility may be able to provide assistance.

You should be aware that if you appeal a result, the outcome may be a higher mark, the same mark, or a lower mark.

1 The 20 working day timeframes set out in Stages One - Three apply only to appeals launched after the final result for a course is published. An assessment task that has already been the subject of a review of results because it falls within the description in this paragraph cannot be the subject of any further review sought by a student after the publication of results.

2 Students will need to check on Programs & Courses to determine who is designated as course convenor for the purposes of this appeal process.


Stage One

The student should approach the course convenor within 20 working days after the day the result is published when they have queries regarding the result in a course. Once the student has queried the result, they may then wish to raise a dispute about one or more assessment pieces that contributed to the overall course grade. The student should explain why they believe ‘that the established criteria of assessment or some aspect of [the Assessment Rule 2016] or relevant policy or procedure has not been followed’ (Assessment Rule 2016, rule12(1)).

The course convenor will consider the student’s dispute, bearing in mind the need to ‘ensure that the academic performance of each student attempting the course is adequately and fairly assessed’ (Assessment Rule 2016, rule 11(3)(a)). The course convenor may re-mark (or organise another person to re-mark) the assessment piece, or undertake other action as appropriate.

The course convenor will notify the student the outcome of the review, including what review process they undertook, if any, within 20 working days of the discussion.

At this stage, the student may be satisfied with the review and decide to pursue no further action, or should the student remain dissatisfied, they may elect to lodge a formal appeal.

The ANU College of Law strongly recommends that students endeavour to resolve any issues informally with the course convenor in the first instance. However, when this is not practicable, students may decide to proceed to Stage Two without consulting the convenor. 

Stage Two

Rule 12(4) allows a student who has completed Stage One, but who still considers that a result is ‘inappropriate or incorrect because the established criteria of assessment or some aspect of [the Assessment Rule 2016] or relevant policy or procedure has not been followed’, to submit an appeal to the Associate Dean (Education) or nominee of the Associate Dean (Education). The appeal must:

  • be lodged by completing the Stage Two Assessment Appeal Submission Form within 20 working days of the student being notified of the course convenor’s decision at Stage One. This time limit is strictly enforced;
  • include a covering letter that clearly states the reason why the student considers that the result is inappropriate or incorrect (by reference to the wording in rule 12(4) above); and include ‘any relevant supporting evidence’ (Assessment Rule 2016, rules 12(5)(c) and (d)).

Please note:

Students will be informed of the outcome and the reasons in writing within 20 working days of the nominee receiving the appeal.

Stage Three

Appeals against a Stage Two decision can be made to the Dean on procedural grounds only (Assessment Rule 2016, rule 12(11)). A Stage Three appeal must be lodged within 20 working days of the student being notified of the Stage Two outcome. The Dean’s decision is final and will be notified to the student in writing within 20 working days of the Dean receiving the appeal (rule 12(12)). The appeal must:

  • be lodged by completing the Stage Three Assessment Appeal Submission Form within 20 working days of the delegates decision at Stage Two. This time limit is strictly enforced;
  • include a covering letter that clearly states the reason why the student considers that the result is inappropriate or incorrect (by reference to the wording in rule 12(11) above); and include ‘any relevant supporting evidence’ (Assessment Rule 2016, rules 12(5)(c) and (d)).