Program completion time-limits

The maximum period for a student to complete a program is the following period beginning on the day the program commences:

  • Graduate Certificate of Law: Three (3) years
  • Graduate Certificate of New Technology: Three (3) years
  • Bachelor of Laws (Honours): Ten (10) years
  • Flexible Double Degree (Law): Eleven (11) years
  • Juris Doctor: Ten (10) years
  • Master of Laws: Five (5) years
  • Master of International law and Diplomacy: Seven (7) years
  • Master of Financial Management and Law: Seven (7) years

The time-limits specified in the Coursework Awards Rule apply across a career and do not reset if students transfer between awards.

Part-time load or taking official periods of leave whether voluntary or enforced do not increase the time-limits specified in the Coursework Awards Rule.

Upon completion of the entirety of their award, single, or double degree, a student has their time-limit reset if they are admitted to a new award, even if it is in the same career.

Under the Coursework Award Rule,the Delegated Authority may, on the written application of a student enrolled in a program for a coursework award, extend the maximum period under subsection (1) or (2) for the student to complete the program.

Students must complete the following form to apply for an extension to the maximum time to complete the program.

Apply here for a program extension

Under subsection (3) of the Coursework Award Rule an extension of the maximum period for the student to complete the student’s program, the Delegated Authority must:

  1. decide the application; and
  2. tell the student in writing whether an extension has been granted and, if so, the period of the extension.

The grant of leave of absence to a student under section 28 (Program leave of absence) does not, of itself, extend the maximum period for the student to complete the student’s program.