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Jonathan Liljeblad

Dr Jonathan Liljeblad is a senior lecturer at ANU College of Law.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself including what brought you to ANU.

Opportunities to work alongside colleagues who share the same interests as me

2. What do you enjoy most about working at the ANU College of Law?

It's a very supportive environment, both professionally and personally

3. What is your favourite spot on campus?

My office

4. How do you relax away from university?

Dominique Dalla-Pozza

Dr Dominique Dalla-Pozza is a senior lecturer at ANU College of Law.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself including what brought you to ANU.

I came to ANU in 2009. It was my first full-time, ongoing academic job, and I was really excited because I always wanted to live in Canberra.

2. What do you enjoy most about working at the ANU College of Law?

Being at a place that takes law reform seriously

3. What is your favourite spot on campus?

Ryan Goss

Ryan Goss is an Associate Professor at ANU College of Law.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself including what brought you to ANU.

Imogen Saunders

Dr Imogen Saunders is a senior lecturer at ANU College of Law.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself including what brought you to ANU.

In what is quite a common story, I came to ANU to do a PhD and never left. I’m originally from Perth, and the plan was we (at that point, just my husband and I) would come here for three years and then go back home. Thirteen years and two children later, we have deviated somewhat from the original plan.

Stephen Bottomley

Stephen Bottomley FAAL is a Professor at ANU College of Law.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself including what brought you to ANU.

Jo Ford

Associate Professor Jolyon Ford is Associate Dean (International) at ANU College of Law.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself including what brought you to ANU.

Associate Professor Joshua Neoh

Joshua Neoh is an Associate Professor and Sub-Dean (International) at ANU College of Law.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself including what brought you to ANU.

I was a student at the ANU, who then left to see the world, before returning to the ANU as an academic
2. What do you enjoy most about working at the ANU College of Law?

Friendly faces
3. What is your favourite spot on campus?

Ron Levy

Ron Levy is an Associate Professor at ANU College of Law.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself including what brought you to ANU.

Work at a world-class institution with a friendly vibe

2. What do you enjoy most about working at the ANU College of Law?


3. What is your favourite spot on campus?

Great question. The grounds next to the Crawford School of Public Policy, where they begin cascading to the lake.

Molly O'Brien

Molly Townes O’Brien is an Associate Professor at ANU College of Law.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself including what brought you to ANU.

Greg Weeks

Greg Weeks is an Associate Professor at ANU College of Law. An expert in administrative law, he is also Deputy Head of the ANU Law School.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself including what brought you to ANU.

Pip Ryan

Dr Philippa (Pip) Ryan is a barrister and senior lecturer at ANU College of Law, where she is director of the Master of Laws (LLM) program.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself including what brought you to ANU.

I did my sabbatical here in 2018 and decided I loved it so much that I just had to come back permanently

ANU College of Law Legal Studies Research Paper Series

The Australian National University (ANU) College of Law is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year, but recently it notched up another impressive milestone: 100,000 research paper downloads at the international journal and repository SSRN, formerly known as the Social Science Research Network.

Professor Andrew Macintosh

A leading environmental law and policy scholar from The Australian National University (ANU) College of Law has been appointed to a Royal Commission that will investigate the country’s devastating bushfires over the past spring and summer.

ANU LRSJ students involved in the OPCAT report

Students from The Australian National University (ANU) College of Law recently met with Shane Rattenbury MLA, ACT Minister for Justice, to deliver a report on the ACT’s implementation of the Optional Protocol of the Convention against Torture (OPCAT).

Thitirat Thipsamritkul

Thailand’s new Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) will take effect in May 2020, subjecting organisations to new rules that safeguard the personal data of individuals. The law is modelled on the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and borrows many of its rules and requirements.

But how will it affect civil society? What does it tell us about legal reception? And can a market-driven law become a tool for human rights and democratisation?

Associate Professor Joshua Neoh

How does one lead a life of law, love and freedom?