Research impact and engagement
Research by ANU Law scholars influences public policy, inspires law reform and social justice initiatives, and addresses contemporary legal, social and political challenges in Australia, the Asia-Pacific region and around the world. Some recent examples of our research impact and engagement are listed below.
Cases and commentary (Australia)
- Lang v The Queen [2023] HCA 29. Citation of Jason Chin, 'The Prejudices of Expert Evidence" (2022) 48(2) Monash University Law Review 59.
- Farm Transparency International Ltd v NSW [2022] HCA 23. Citation of Jelena Gligorijevic, 'A Common Law Tort of Interference with Privacy for Australia: Reaffirming ABC v Lenah Game Meats' (2021) 44 University of New South Wales Law Journal 673.
- Will v Brighton (No 2) [2021] NSWCA 8: Citation of Kieran Pender, 'The ‘Price’ of Justice? Costs-Conditional Special Leave in the High Court' (2018) Melbourne University Law 149, 191-198.
- Cavanough J in Victorian Taxi Families Inc and Redfield Court Holdings Pty Ltd v Commercial Passenger Vehicle Commission [2020] VSC 762 at [119]: Citation of Professor Greg Weeks, 'Government schemes for extrajudicial compensation: an assessment' (2020) Australian Institute of Administrative Law (AIAL) Forum 100 (October 2020), 79-106.
- Stowers v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2018] FCAFC 174 at [49] (Flick, Griffiths and Derrington JJ) and Commonwealth of Australia v Okwume [2018] FCAFC 69 at [226] (Mortimer J): Citation of Associate Professor Greg Weeks, Judicial Review of Administrative Action and Government Liability, (Thomson Reuters, 6th ed, 2017).
Cases and commentary (International)
- O’Mahony & Ors v Promontoria (GEM) Dac [2020] IECA 30: Citation of Dr Solene Rowan, 'Reflections on the Introduction of Punitive Damages for Breach of Contract' (2010) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 30 (3), 495–517.
- Denka Advantech Private Ltd v Seraya Energy Pte Ltd [2020] SGCA 119: Citation of Dr Solene Rowan, 'The "Legitimate Interest in Performance" in the Law on Penalties' (2019) Cambridge Law Journal, 78(1), 148-174.
- Attorney-General v Taylor [2018] NZSC 104: Citation of research by Dr Will Bateman on the constitutional dimensions of human rights law prisoners’ eligibility to vote.
Government inquiries, submissions and reports
- Submission to the Joint Select Committee on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum: Submission made by Associate Professors Matthew Zagor and Ron Levy.
- Inquiry into Australia's transition to a green energy superpower: Associate Professor Emma Aisbett appeared at the Trade and Investment Growth Committee public hearing on Friday 31 March.
- Privacy Act Report 2022: Dr Jelena Gligorijević AFHEA cited in report (pp. 280-287).
- Human rights implications of recent violence in Iran: Dr Anton Moiseienko's testimony cited in the report
- Agreement between Australia and Japan concerning the Facilitation of Reciprocal Access and Cooperation between the Australian Defence Force and the Self-Defense Forces of Japan: Professor Donald Rothwell FAAL and ANU Law Reform & Social Justice program cited in final report.
- Commission of Inquiry into Money Laundering in British Columbia: Dr Anton Moiseienko's testimony cited in report (p. 1589).
- Submission to the Department of Home Affairs in response to the Reform of Australia’s electronic surveillance framework discussion paper: Submission made by Dr Dominique Dalla-Pozza and Dr William Stoltz.
- Submission to the Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory's Inquiry into Electoral Amendment Bill 2021: Associate Professor Faith Gordon contributed to a submission on a proposed law that would reduce the age at which residents of the ACT can vote to 16 years.
- Submission to the Australian Attorney-General's Department, Review of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) with Prof Seth Lazar (ANU), Prof Kimberlee Weatherall (U Syd), Dr Damian Clifford (ANU).
- Human Rights and Technology Discussion Paper by the Australian Human Rights Commission: Associate Professor Will Bateman made submissions on the appropriate policy relationship between economic development, innovation, ethics and human rights law; legal frameworks governing the use of AI; and the proposed AI Safety Commissioner.
- Defence Legislation Amendment (Discipline Reform) Bill 2021: ANU Centre for Military and Security Law director, Associate Professor David Letts AM CSM, made submissions to an inquiry by the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee (quoted and cited on pp. 13-20).
- Privacy Act Review Discussion Paper: Dr Jelena Gligorijević AFHEA made submissions on options for a new privacy tort for Australia (quoted and cited on pp 191-195).
- Submission to Senate Select Committee on Australia as a Technology and Finance Centre: Scott Chamberlain made a submission on an inquiry into Australia's cryptocurrency laws.
- Submission to Inquiry into the Drugs of Dependence (Personal Use) Amendment Bill: Professor Desmond Manderson made a submission with colleagues from the ANU Drug Research Network.
- Submission to Treasury Laws Amendment (2021 Measures No.1) Bill 2021 [Provisions] (June 2021): Professor Peta Spender FAAL made a submission and gave evidence to the Committee of the bill.
- Review of Model Defamation Provisions – Stage 2 (May 2021): Dr Jelena Gligorijevic AFHEA provided a written submission in response to the discussion paper.
- Submission in Response to the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children (21 January 2021): Associate ProfessorFaith Gordon, together with colleagues Dr Rumyana van Ark and Dr Devyani Prabhat, provided a submission to the UN.
- Submission to Litigation funding and the regulation of the class action industry (December 2020): Professor Peta Spender FAAL provided a submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services inquiry.
- Submission in Response to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child’s Call for Comments on the General Comment on Children’s Rights in Relation to the Digital Environment (November 2020): Associate Professor Faith Gordon and Josie Cochrane submitted a response to the UN's call for comments.
- Review of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (November 2020): Dr Jelena Gligorijevic AFHEA provided a written submission in response to the issue paper.
- ANU Grand Challenge Zero-Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific’s submission to the Review of Australia’s Bilateral Investment Treaties: Dr Emma Aisbett, Dr Esmé Shirlow, Dr Christian Downie and Dr Lily O’Neill.
- Review of Australia’s Bilateral Investment Treaties: Dr Esmé Shirlow provided comments in response to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s call for submissions.
- Sport Integrity and Corruption: Best Practice Australian and International Policy & Program Delivery Approaches (2019): Associate Professor Kath Hall prepared an expert report for Sport Integrity Australia, the Department of Health, Commonwealth Government on sport integrity and corruption.
- Analysis report for the 'implementation of Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (March 2019): Citation of Professor Pauline Ridge's written submissions on s116 of the Constitution and the Human Rights Act 2004 (ACT) and whether they apply to constrain the ACT’s legislative powers.
- Advisory Report on the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Strengthening the Citizenship Loss Provisions) Bill 2018 (Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia): Citation of submission by ANU Law scholars Dr Dominque Dalla-Pozza and Associate Professor Matthew Zagor.
International institutions
- United Nations General Assembly, Report by the Special Rapporteur to the UN Human Rights Council on the negative human rights impact of unilateral coercive measures, A/HRC/39/54, August 2018, para 22: Citation of research by Associate Professor Jeremy Farrall.
- International Law Association (ILA), 2012-18: Professor Donald Rothwell Rapporteur for the Committee on Baselines under the International Law of the Sea (2012-2018).
- Northern Australian Beef Industry Situation Analysis, 2019: Professor Andrew Macintosh and Associate Professor Amelia Simpson worked with researchers from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) to deliver a report on the Northern Australian Beef Industry Situation.
- Institute for Security Studies (ISS) Africa: Since 2008, Professor Jolyon Ford has been the senior research consultant to ISS, an African organisation that enhances human security by providing research, policy advice and capacity building.
Media engagement
ANU College of Law scholars provide expert analysis, commentary and opinions on a range of current issues. Visit our In the Media page to see examples of recent media engagement.