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This week Shontelle Grimberg (LLM) graduates from the ANU College of Law. Read her story.

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Grand Graduation


Where can your law degree from The Australian National University (ANU) take you? How can you equip yourself with the knowledge to better succeed?

During ANU Virtual Open Week 2020, our alumni panel discussed their ANU Law experience, how they applied themselves during their studies, and shared tips on preparing for your dream career after graduation.

Our panel: 

Bella Rollinson and Hannah Swedlund, ANU Gender Identity + Sexuality Law Moot champions


On 13 October, we were thrilled to host the final of the ANU Gender Identity + Sexuality Law Moot, the first competition of its kind in Australia. Sponsored by Resolution Institute, the virtual competition was a great success and valuable learning experience for students from nearly a dozen law schools across Australia and New Zealand.

Tang, Holmes and Foley


Three scholars from The Australian National University (ANU) College of Law have co-authored a research article examining new lawyers’ perceptions of the ethicality of their workplace, with just over half of respondents reporting above-average levels of integrity, responsibility and care in their workplaces.

Life as an ANU Law student


Ever wondered what a day in the life of a law student entails at The Australian National University (ANU)? What learning support is available? Where an internship or exchange program can take you? Or secrets to striking the right study-life balance?

Ray and Reynolds


‘Lawfare’ and ‘green tape’ are common criticisms levelled by conservative commentators, politicians and business lobbyists at public interest litigants when major developments and jobs are delayed by legal challenges to environmental approvals.

Hayley and Charlotte


In 2020, The Australian National University (ANU) College of Law re-introduced the International Law Clinic (LAWS4302). This clinic is offered as an undergraduate course for students who have an interest in experiencing the practical application of international law. Its main focus is to encourage students to work collaboratively while responding to projects initiated by the conveners.

Andrew Ray mooting


The Australian National University (ANU) has many opportunities for law students to consolidate their legal skills and kick-start their careers. Student competitions organised by the ANU Law Students’ Society (LSS) offer a dynamic way to put theory into practice and broaden your personal and professional networks.

Student ambassadors


Whether you're considering studying law at the undergraduate or postgraduate level, The Australian National University (ANU) offers a world-class legal education. Our programs include the Bachelor of Laws (Hons), Juris Doctor, Graduate Certificate of Law, Graduate Certificate of New Technologies Law, Master of Laws and Master of International Law and Diplomacy.

Heather Roberts


Congratulations to Associate Professor Heather Roberts who is the recipient of the Vice-Chancellor’s Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning award in this year’s Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Education.

Gender Identity and Sexuality Moot


The Australian National University (ANU) College of Law will host Australia’s first gender identity and sexuality moot in October 2020, with former High Court of Australia judge, The Honourable Michael Kirby AC, CMG (HonLLD '14), named as one of the judges for the moot’s final.

Amanda Wingett


When the Yandruwandha and Yawarrawarrka people were formally recognised as the traditional owners of a 40,000-square-kilometre area of far northeastern South Australia in 2015, it was a special moment for Amanda Wingett.

A descendant of the Yandruwandha and Yawarrawarrka people, Amanda’s grandmother was born on traditional lands in the Cooper Basin.

Chloe Harpley


As a penultimate-year Bachelor of Arts (Anthropology)/Laws (Hons) student at The Australian National University (ANU), you could be forgiven for thinking Chloe Harpley has enough on her plate during an already challenging year. However, her commitments do not stop there.

Joyce Yang, BA/LLB (Hons)


Editor’s note: This reflective assessment by Joyce Yang, a Bachelor of Arts/Laws (Hons) student, is based upon her experience in the ANU College of Law’s Prison Legal Literacy Clinic (LAWS4304).

Heather Roberts


A virtual exhibition of work by students in Selected Topics in Australian-United States Comparative Laws (LAWS4257) will be launched to coincide with The Australian National University’s (ANU) 2020 Virtual Open Week that runs 22-28 August.

Protesters attend a black lives matter rally in Melbourne


COVID-19 has affected every segment of society, with the law being no exception. From enforced lockdowns of public housing compounds to Supreme Court battles to prohibit protests, it is prudent to consider how the pandemic has influenced the rule of law.

KCLS hotdesk volunteers


When Kathleen Cunningham and Abigail Widijanto arrived in Western Australia earlier this year to begin their internships at the Kimberley Community Legal Service (KCLS), both knew they were in for a transformative experience.

However, nothing quite prepared The Australian National University (ANU) law students for the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Daniel Kang


Daniel Wei-En Kang is a Bachelor of International Relations/Laws (Hons) student at The Australian National University.

1. What inspired you to study law at ANU?

This dream started with reading the story of King Solomon and the baby - it made me link studying law with pursuing wisdom.

2. What is your favourite spot on campus?

Whitmore Walk

3. How do you relax away from university?

Reading foreign poems translated into English or binge watching news reports on YouTube

Ntina Tzouvala


Dr Ntina Tzouvala is a senior lecturer at ANU College of Law.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself, including what brought you to ANU.

I left Greece in 2011 thinking that I would only be away for one year, it will be nine in September. I came to the ANU knowing about its excellent research culture and having heard extremely positive things about the collegial and friendly working environment. I can now confirm it is all true.

2. What inspired you to pursue academia/your professional field?

Dr Bal Kama


Congratulations to Dr Bal Kama, who has been named the 2020 winner of the Hank Nelson Memorial Award by The Australian National University (ANU) College of Asia and the Pacific. Dr Kama received the award in recognition of his commitment to Papua New Guinea (PNG), and for submitting the best PhD thesis internationally on PNG.

Yasmin Pyramids


In 2018, Bachelor of Laws/International Relations student Yasmin Poole was a delegate of the Prime Minister’s Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Australia Special Summit. It was from this experience that Yasmin was able to network with Austrade leaders.