Humans of ANU Law: Dr Ntina Tzouvala
Ntina Tzouvala

Dr Ntina Tzouvala is a senior lecturer at ANU College of Law.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself, including what brought you to ANU.

I left Greece in 2011 thinking that I would only be away for one year, it will be nine in September. I came to the ANU knowing about its excellent research culture and having heard extremely positive things about the collegial and friendly working environment. I can now confirm it is all true.

2. What inspired you to pursue academia/your professional field?

I am very much an academic by accident. I pursued a PhD because after finishing my LL.M Greece was going through a very severe recession, and I thought I could buy some time. In the process, I realised that academia is one of these rare jobs where you are getting paid to read, write and converse with very intelligent people (colleagues and students alike). What's not to like?

3. How do you relax away from work?

Cooking, practising yoga, watching 'bad' TV.

4. What was your dream job as a child?

Sales assistant in a toy store, which made perfect sense at the time.

5. If you could meet one historical figure, who would it be?

They say you should never meet your heroes, but I will take my chances and say, Frantz Fanon.

6. Who’s your favourite fictional character?

The 'reasonable man'

7. What’s a project or hobby you’re currently working on that motivates you?

The chaturanga dandasana pose. It's taking much longer than I anticipated.

8. What’s your favourite quote?

"The chaotic and bloody world around us is the rule of law." -  China Mieville, Between Equal Rights.

9. Who is someone you look up to?

In academia, Professor Veena Dubal, Professor Anne Orford and Professor Tendayi Achiume.

10. What was the last book you read?

Robbie Shilliam's The Black Pacific. It is excellent, especially in the current political context.

11. What’s an underrated movie?

I thought that Hustlers (2019) was an excellent study on gender, capitalism, sex work, and female friendship, but not many agreed.

12. What’s your favourite dish?

There is nothing better than a perfectly roasted chicken

13. What’s your favourite song or playlist to work to?

Anything by The Tiger Lillies

14. What’s a skill you’d like to learn?

Embarrassingly, to ride a bike

15. What advice would you give to others feeling uneasy during this time?

Naps make everything feel a bit more bearable

See more Humans of ANU Law here

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