Grace Bramwell
Grace Bramwell


Bachelor of Laws (Honours)

Degree type


Favourite course

Health Law, Bioethics and Human Rights (LAWS4219)

2018 Dean's Certificate winner: Grace Bramwell

Grace Bramwell was diagnosed with keratoconus, a disease which is caused by the cornea thinning and bulging. In 2018, she was awarded the Dean’s Certificate for topping Health Law.

Why did you choose ANU?

Growing up in the bush encouraged me to pursue a career in environmental law, so the breadth of courses at ANU – from social justice to environmental law – was really appealing.

Have you undertaken any international opportunities or clinical internships? If so, how have they shaped your outlook on law?

My interest in environmental law was inspired by my mentorship with Professor Andrew Macintosh and participating in the Environmental Law Clinic, a course that gives students practical legal skills in environmental and planning law. This experience paved the way for further opportunities for me. 

What are your most memorable experiences at ANU Law?

One of my most memorable experiences was studying Health Law, Bioethics and Human Rights (LAWS4219) taught by the late Professor Thomas Faunce. I wrote a letter to the Health Minister calling for corneal collagen cross-linking to be covered by the pharmaceutical benefits scheme to ease the financial burden faced by many keratoconus patients.

That’s why Health Law was important to me; I felt empowered in being able to learn about that area of law and apply it in a practical way.

What are your next steps, planned or aspired, after graduation? 

I will be moving to Sydney where I will undertake an associateship at the NSW Land and Environment Court. I will be mentored by ANU alumna, The Honourable Justice Rachel Pepper (BA ’92, LLB (Hons) ’94), whom I met as part of the ANU College of Law’s Visiting Judges Program. It’s the start of a career that I hope to have in environmental law.

It's just about making sure I feel confident to manage my condition so it doesn't affect the rest of my life, because these goals are why I studied law.

Gain professional experience through clinical courses at ANU Law.

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