Audio recordings
24 Mar 2021
We were honoured to host a Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony for students on the ANU College of Law lawns on 24 March 2021 led by Aunty Matilda House-Williams, a Ngambri, Ngunnawal and Wiradjuri elder, and Professor Asmi Wood, 2020 ANU Indig
03 Mar 2021
Contemporary politics is increasingly described as ‘post-truth’. In Australia and elsewhere, misleading or false statements are being deployed in electoral campaigning, with troubling democratic consequences.
20 Feb 2021
GreenLaw is a student-led project under ANU Law Reform and Social Justice (LRSJ). Our diverse and dynamic LRSJ projects provide an authentic vehicle for our students to engage in law reform and social justice during their studies.
11 Feb 2021
Speaking truth to power is a philosophy that drives Will Fitzgibbon (BA/LLB (Hons) ’10) in his role as a reporter at The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists based in Washington DC.
25 Jan 2021
Join ANU College of Law students Sebastian (Bachelor of International Security Studies/Laws (Hons)) and Georgette (
18 Dec 2020
It’s a remarkable achievement to graduate from law school in any given year.
08 Dec 2020
Watch the book launch of Belonging – A Novel, a book written by ANU College of Law Associate Professor Anthony Hopkins.
02 Dec 2020
Over the past decade, advances in machine learning have led to major breakthroughs in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Will machine intelligence surpass human intelligence within the next few decades?
24 Nov 2020
The Hon Michael Kirby AC, CMG (HonLLD '14) participated in a Q&A for the ANU College of Law postgraduate course Post-Conflict Situations and International Law (LAWS8314)
23 Nov 2020
Hosted by the Law Reform and Social Justice (LRSJ)
20 Nov 2020
An interim review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EBPC) Act 1999 (Cth) found the law is "ineffective" amid the current "unsustainable" environmental trajectory.