Inspiring Women of ANU Law: Likim Ng
Likim Ng

Likim Ng is a PhD candidate at the ANU College of Law.

To mark International Women's Day this year we are celebrating some of the women who make our College a world-leading institution for legal education and research.

Likim Ng is a PhD candidate at the ANU College of Law. Her primary research area focuses on critical legal theory approaches to refugee law, particularly within the areas of securitisation and crimmigration. She is interested in the heightened security focus on refugees. Her personal interests include mentoring students from diverse backgrounds; cultural, class, LGBTQI and assisting refugees, particularly women at risk to navigate Australia's legal system.

What inspired you to pursue your field of research?

I wanted to influence equality before the law no matter where you come from, your gender or ethnicity.

What is a teaching/research project you are currently working on that motivates you?

I'm currently writing my PhD thesis. My research looks at how refugees can be constructed as threats through language and actions and the subsequent effects of that. However, it also thinks about how other players in the refugee law field such as senators, judges, tribunal members and public servants can similarly act to counter the intentions of the executive government. A recent example could be the Medevac Bill.

Who is a woman in your field you look up to?

There are so many women in the critical legal theory and refugee law field that are inspiring. They work hard to publish, teach, run a household and raise children. At the same time they also face structural barriers in the workplace and find it important to mentor other women and minority scholars. My PhD thesis supervisor, Dr Dorota Gozdecka SFHEA, is someone I look really up to. Other past and present supervisors, Celine Tan, Kate Ogg, Fiona Jenkins, Magdalena Kmak, Colleen Gilg have also nudged me forward on my journey.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

During my Masters degree I lived in Finland. One evening when I was walking home from university I saw a long line of men at the florist. I thought to myself that Valentine's Day had long past. The next day, a colleague told me that it was for International Women's Day. It made sense that this would be such an important event there. Finland's newest prime minister leads a coalition party where all five party leaders are women. Women are supported with heavily subsidised childcare and paid maternity leave for a year. International Women's Day for me is about taking action to inspire equality for women.

What advice would you give your more junior self?

Your voice matters so use your work to contribute back.

See more Inspiring Women of ANU Law

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