Humans of ANU Law: Benjamin Ettinger
Benjamin Ettinger

Benjamin Ettinger is a PhD candidate at ANU College of Law.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself including what brought you to ANU.

I've just started my PhD here at ANU and I also did an LLM here a few years ago while working as a lawyer. ANU is a world class institution and since my PhD is so interdisciplinary ANU seemed like a good fit.

2. What do you enjoy most about the ANU College of Law?

The people - both fellow students and staff.

3. What is your favourite spot on campus?

Anywhere that's a caffeine source.

4. How do you relax away from university?

If it's not raining, then mountain biking. I'll also play piano or tend to my backyard veggie garden.

5. How would you describe Canberra in three words?

The bush capital

6. What inspired you to pursue law?

It involves big and often contradictory political and social questions, problems and solutions

7. What was your dream job as a child?

Political scientist (seriously - this is what I said in the third grade)

8. If you could meet one historical figure, who would it be?

Teddy Roosevelt

9. Who’s your favourite fictional character?

Don Gately

10. What’s a project or hobby you’re currently working on that motivates you?

I'm learning Bach's Goldberg Variations at the moment. It's satisfying when you can finally play through a difficult section after weeks of work.

11. What’s your favourite quote?

'I try all things, I achieve what I can' - Melville, Moby Dick

12. What’s the secret to studying and working from home successfully?

I'm not sure it's so different from working successfully on campus. For me it comes down to self-discipline and routine (though the answer will probably be slightly different if you have small kids).

13. Who is someone you look up to?

Anyone who pushes their hardest when they want to give up the most

14. What was the last book you read?

PhD related - The Hollow Hope by Gerald Rosenberg

Non PhD related - Going After Cacciato by Tim O'Brien

15. What’s an underrated movie?

Take Shelter (2011)

16. What’s your favourite dish?

This is a tough one. A good goulash and blueberry grunt for dessert.

17. What’s your favourite place in Canberra to visit?

Mt Stromlo or Majura - both for mountain biking

18. What’s your favourite song or playlist to work to?

A mix of classical music unless I'm doing something really mind numbing in which case I'll throw on some '80s thrash metal.

19. What’s a skill you’d like to learn?

Furniture building using traditional joinery

20. What advice would you give to others feeling uneasy during this time?

That's totally normal but if it's starting to affect your work, study or personal life talk about it with someone

See more Humans of ANU Law here

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