Making a difference in law with The Hon Alan Robertson SC

Date & time

18 March 2021 1:30pm - 2:30pm


Moot Court, ANU College of Law, Building 6A, Fellows Road, Acton, ACT 2601


ANU Law Marketing

Event description

Law Reform and Social Justice (LRSJ) will be holding a session for students to meet and chat with The Honourable Alan Robertson SC, retired judge of the Federal Court of Australia. This event is supported by ANU Law’s Visiting Judges Program.

In this in-conversation, Associate Professor Matthew Zagor talks to the judge about his thoughts on his career and making a difference in law.

This session is open to all current law students.

Please note: This is an in-person event. Your registration is an expectation that you will attend the seminar. Please advise, if you are no longer able to attend.


Featured Speakers

The Hon Alan Robertson SC


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