International Law in Public Debate

Date & time

28 September 2022 3:30pm - 4:30pm


ANU College of Law Moot Court, Building 6A Fellows Road


ANU College of Law Visitors Committee
6125 5375

Event description

In her book, International Law in Public Debate (Cambridge University Press, 2021), Madelaine argues that public debates in the language of international law have produced a popular form of international law that matters for international practice. In this seminar, Madelaine will give an account of her book’s argument, drawing on examples from the Australian public debates over the 2003 Iraq War and over Australia’s military intervention in Vietnam in 1965/66. Through this account, Madelaine re-wires traditional accounts of who gets to ‘speak’ international law.


Featured Speakers

Dr Madelaine Chiam
Dr Madelaine Chiam
Dr Madelaine Chiam

Dr Madelaine Chiam is Associate Dean Learning and Teaching in the La Trobe Law School. She researches primarily in public international law, in particular the histories of international law, the relationships between the global and the local, and the role of international law in Australian life. Madelaine's work aims to understand how international law is used in domestic societies, and she studies international law both as a public discourse and as a set of legal doctrines. Madelaine is especially interested in the ways that international law is and has been taught, written about, and portrayed by academics, politicians, the media and other participants in public discussions of international law. Madelaine is pursuing this research through three different projects. The first is a monograph, 'International Law in Public Debate', which examines the uses of international law in Australia during the First World War, the Vietnam War and the 2003 Iraq War (Cambridge University Press 2021). The second is a longer project that aims to trace an intellectual history of international lawyers in Australia. The first part of this project is a piece on the first Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law. The third project examines the ways in which international legal arguments were deployed in different places by various actors in relation to the Vietnam War.


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