Book Launch: War and Peace in Outer Space

Date & time

24 March 2021 9:00am - 10:00am


via Zoom Webinar


Victoria Samson- Secure World Foundation

Event description

This book launch will be co-hosted by the Secure World Foundation, the Australian National University (ANU)’s Centre for International and Public Law, Harvard University’s Department of the History of Science, and the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law. It will discuss many of the issues raised in War and Peace in Outer Space, as well as examine how the current international security scene is shaped by the topics raised in the book. 

This volume examines the growing weaponization of outer space and the potential for a space-based conflict in the very near future, and options for space diplomacy. It features contributions from a range of experts, including academics, military lawyers, military space operators, aerospace industry representatives, diplomats, and national security and policy advisors from Canada, Europe, and the United States. The book explores the moral and legal issues of space security and the military uses of outer space. 

Moderator: Shashank Joshi, The Economist


Air Commodore Philip Gordon, Director General Air Defence and Space, Royal Australian Air Force

Matthew Hersch, Harvard University 

Victoria Samson, Secure World Foundation

Cassandra Steer, ANU College of Law


Featured Speakers

Dr Cassandra Steer, Dr Matthew Hersch, Victoria Samson, Air Commodore Philip Gordon


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