Adventures in Administrative Law: A Conversation with The Hon Alan Robertson SC

Date & time

16 March 2021 12:00pm - 1:00pm


ANU College of Law Moot Court, Building 6A, Fellows Road, Acton, ACT 2601


ANU Law Marketing

Event description

Current, former, and future administrative law students are welcomed to a conversation with one of Australia’s most eminent administrative law jurists.

Justice Alan Robertson served on the Federal Court from 2011 until 2020, during which time he exerted significant influence on the administrative law jurisprudence of the Court. Before his appointment to the bench, Justice Robertson’s career included many other significant encounters with administrative law – including, as a barrister, part-time member of the Administrative Review Council, and convenor of the Constitutional and Administrative law section of the New South Wales Bar Association. While a Judge of the Federal Court, he was also a Deputy President of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

At this event, the judge will reflect on his career in administrative law, discuss the role administrative law plays holding the governors in our society to legal account, and share his views about challenges that are likely to confront administrative law thought and practice in the coming years. There will then plenty of time for Q&A.

Note: This is an in-person event only. Please register in order to attend. Please do attend if you register.


Featured Speakers

The Hon Alan Robertson SC


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