
Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) - Mentoring Program

The sessions will be held at the following times in Semester Two 2024:

  • Tuesday 10-11am – Phillipa Weeks Library for all sessions except 27 August (Liz Allen Meeting Room)
  • Tuesday 3-4pm – Liz Allen Meeting Room
  • Wednesday 9-10am - (International Student Focus) Phillipa Weeks Library
  • Wednesday 11am-12pm – Law Library Seminar Room
  • Thursday 2-3pm – Liz Allen Meeting Room for all sessions except 26 September (Phillipa Weeks Library) and Thursday 17 October (Meeting Room 7.1.12 Ground Floor Law Building)

PAL is a student-run program aimed to develop key legal writing, research, and study skills pivotal to succeeding at law school. We welcome both undergraduate and postgraduate across all years of study and the program is particularly beneficial to students in the early years of the degree.

PAL sessions are not about revising the content that you're learning in class. Instead, they give you the chance to develop self-directed learning strategies and to learn and practise the core skills that you will need to succeed not only this semester, but for the rest of your law degree. PAL is also a safe and non-judgmental space where you can come and ask questions that you may not want to ask in class.

The new Wattle site link for 2024 is: PAL 2024 Wattle Site

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Law MomentuM Mentoring Program

The mentoring program will resume in Semester One, 2024. Information on the program will be emailed to law students closer to the applications opening date.

Available to all students studying at ANU College of Law

The Law MomentuM mentoring program is designed to assist law students gaining insight beyond their law studies. ANU students are paired with mentors, which are mostly ANU Alumni, during this semester-length program. It is a great opportunity to enhance leadership and communication skills, accelerate professional development, connect with industry peers and expand professional networks.

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ANU Law Research Pathways Mentoring Program

The ANU Law Research Pathways Mentoring Program will resume in Semester One, 2024.

Available to all students studying at ANU College of Law

The ANU College of Law Research Pathways Mentoring Program pairs law students from all programs with academics from the College. The purpose of the program is to provide students with an opportunity to be mentored by an academic and learn about topics including pathways into postgraduate and research programs, academia and legal professions.

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LSS - Mentoring Program

If you would like to be a mentor or a mentee in Semester One, 2024, please email

Available to all first-year international students studying at ANU College of Law

The International Student Mentoring Program is a program designed to assist international students for better transition into law school. Mentors are students who have successfully adjusted to law school and can give mentees advice on studying law at the ANU. We understand that moving to a new country is a challenging experience for most international students and it may take them some time to adjust to Australia’s cultural, social and academic differences.

For more information on the LSS mentoring program, please visit our website.

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Set4ANU - Mentoring Program

Available to all first year ANU students

New at ANU and not sure where to start? Sign up to have a Set4ANU Mentor!

Mentors are friendly later-year ANU students who can give you tips and tricks for making the most of your time at ANU. Set4ANU also runs events and activities where you can meet other new students and find out more about how to be a successful ANU student.

All first year students are welcome to attend Set4ANU events and activities.

For more information on Set4ANU mentoring program, visit the Set4ANU website.

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Law Student and Education Support team

(02) 6125 3483