Australian Academy of Law First Nations Scholarship 2022

The Australian Academy of Law (AAL) offers the Australian Academy of Law First Nations Scholarship tenable in 2022 for a First Nations final year law student studying for the LLB or JD or combined Law degree at any Australian law school, or the Diploma in Law through the NSW Law Extension Committee (LEC).

For more information on this scholarship, please click here.


The Award

  • The amount of the award is $5000 for one year only.
  • The successful applicant may, additionally, have the opportunity of being mentored for up to a year by an AAL Fellow.



  • Final year law student who will complete the LLB(Hons) or JD by April 2023.
  • Student must identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait islander


Documentation required for your application

  • Statement of Result (in ISIS, Compass icon (top-right hand corner) > Navigator > ISIS > Academic Records > Statement of Results)
  • Curriculum vitae (CV)
  • List of existing source/s of financial sponsorship or scholarship (if any)
  • Personal statement (max 500 words) addressing the below selection criteria


Selection Criteria

  • Academic ability and likelihood of success;
  • Not normally in receipt of any other substantial scholarship or award;
  • Proposed post-graduation career path evincing a commitment to the law and/or legal practice.



Application Dates

  • Applications Open: Tuesday 2 March 2022
  • Applications Close: Friday 18 March 2022, 9am
  • Expected Decision date: End April 2022


The ANU College of Law scholarship selection committee, chaired by the Dean, will rank all eligible candidate, and forward to top candidate to the AAL for consideration.

Shortlisted applicants may be required to attend an interview in April 2022 with the AAL Selection Panel.

The final decision of the award rests with the AAL. The AAL reserves the right not to award the scholarship in any given year. The final outcome from the AAL is expected towards the end of April 2022.


How to apply

Complete the online form here.


Contact details

If you experience any issue or have questions in relation to this grant, please contact .

Applicants must adhere to the ANU Student Code of Conduct when communicating with Staff and when undertaking the activity for which grant funding is provided. All communication must be respectful and constructive, free from discrimination or harassment.