Batzorig Enkhbold

LLM '15
Years at ANU
Other degrees
LLB (National University of Mongolia)
Image: Supplied
Deputy Permanent Representative (Human Rights)
Permanent Misson of Mongolia to the UN Office at Geneva
Other degrees: LLB (National University of Mongolia)
A career diplomat from Mongolia, Batzorig joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2007. In less than a decade, Batzorig has gained tremendous success in the field of human rights, including through his vital role in the presentation of Mongolia's first national report on the situation of human rights (UPR) and the accession of Mongolia to the Second Optional Protocol to the ICCPR, which led to de jure abolishment of death penalty in the country in 2015.
- Deputy Director of the Consular Department, MFA.
- Second Secretary and Consul at the Embassy of Mongolia in Ottawa.
- Secretary of the MFA Sub-Committee of the National Human Rights Program in Mongolia.