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Currently supervising
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Topic: Novel citizens: represenations of citizenship in law and literature
How my works connects with public policy
There is a crisis in law today. At best we think of it as a technical power imposed on society that tells us what to do. At worst we think of it as fundamentally unjust and corrupt. We can address this crisis by improving our processes of law-making and law-enforcing. But we can also address this crisis by radically shifting how we think about law – what it is and how it relates to us and to the rest of our lives. What if law was not just ‘out there’ like a machine; but ‘in here’ like a person or a memory? What if law was not just made by lawyers and politicians – but a product of all of us through how we thought, saw, and spoke about it?
One of the most innovative areas of legal scholarship in recent years has been law and the humanities. Its goal is to re-connect law to its roots in the humanities: in history, the arts, literature, philosophy. By studying how law is represented culturally in our society, we can gain crucial insights into its origins, its functions, and its problems. We can give to law a relevance that it often seems to lack – by taking seriously ideas of law and justice in the work of Plato or Shakespeare and equally on the screen, on the box and on the web. And we can give back to law a sense of its ethical and human dimensions – breaking down that sense of law as a coercive (even amoral) system outside of us and unrelated to us and encouraging instead a more engaged social dialogue about what we mean by responsibility and tolerance in the modern world.