Juris Doctor
Degree type
Deborah is a Juris Doctor candidate at the ANU College of Law. She applied for a College-arranged internship with Law Reform and Social Justice (LRSJ) at the ANU College of Law.
How did the ANU College of Law internship program prepare you for the professional world?
It was an opportunity to consolidate what I could contribute to the Law School as an Aboriginal Senior Law/Lore Woman. The experience has led me to do further research and expand on the epistemology I developed through the internship.
What was your favourite part of the program?
The internship was my most enjoyable experience of the law degree. I could connect more closely as a colleague with faculty staff.
Would you recommend undertaking an internship to other ANU Law students?
Yes. It was an opportunity to work towards the complimentary placement of both laws in the law curriculum. It helped me to focus on what was important.