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Podcast: The push to lower Australia’s voting age

Faith Gordon  interviewed by APPS Policy Forum


Faith Gordon  interviewed by ABC News

Is 16 too young to vote?

Faith Gordon  speaks to RTRFM

Should 16 year olds be allowed to vote?

Faith Gordon  speaks to RN Breakfast

The case for lowering the voting age

Faith Gordon  speaks to 3AW


Faith Gordon  speaks to ABC Radio

Lower the voting age to 16 would refresh ACT politics

Faith Gordon  writes in Canberra Times

Should 16-year-olds be allowed to vote?

Faith Gordon  speaks to ABC Breakfast

Lower the voting age to 16 would refresh ACT politics

Faith Gordon  writes in Canberra Times

Navigating the limits in the South China Sea

David Letts  writes in The Interpreter

Collaery secrecy 'unfounded', says defence

Kieran Pender  quoted in Canberra Times

Getting serious about corporate diversity

Akshaya Kamalnath  writes in APPS Policy Forum

House of Lords Debate: Nationality and Borders Bill

 quoted in UK Parliament

NSW govt could face RAT court challenge

Ron Levy  interviewed by AAP

Turkish police detain 40 people over Twitch streamer money laundering scheme

Anton Moiseienko  quoted in The Washington Post