What is wrong with slavery?

Image: Roman collared slaves — Marble relief, from Smyrna (Izmir, Turkey), 200 CE. Collection of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, England, via Wikicommons.

Date & time

26 May 2021 1:00pm - 2:00pm


Phillipa Weeks Staff Library, ANU College of Law, Building 7, Room 7.4.1., 6 Fellows Road, Acton, ACT 2601


ANU Law Marketing

Event description

We all agree that slavery is wrong, but what exactly is wrong with it? The answer to this question in moral philosophy has far-reaching implications in the debate between positivists and antipositivists in legal philosophy. The seminar will answer this question and work out its implications.


Featured Speakers

Associate Professor Joshua Neoh
Associate Professor Joshua Neoh

Joshua Neoh is an Associate Professor and Sub-Dean (International) at ANU College of Law. He received his LLB at the ANU, LLM at Yale and PhD at Cambridge.


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