The People in Question – Web Symposium

Date & time

10 November 2020 5:00pm - 6:30pm


Via Zoom Webinar


ANU Law Marketing

Event description

At a time of rising populism and debate about immigration around the world, this Web Symposium introduces and examines the important new book authored by Professor Jo ShawThe People in Question: Citizens and Constitutions in Uncertain Times. The book provides the first sustained treatment of the relationship between citizenship and constitutional law in a comparative and transnational perspective. It draws on examples from many jurisdictions to assess how countries’ legal, political and cultural processes help to determine the boundaries of citizenship.

In this Web Symposium – jointly sponsored by the ANU College of Law and the International Association of Constitutional Law’s Membership and Exclusion Research Group – the author will first introduce the key themes of the book before hearing and responding to a selection of expert commentaries from scholars in the field drawn from the Asia and Pacific region.

The symposium will be chaired by Research Group Co-Chair Associate Professor Amelia Simpson of ANU Law School.

Registrants will be eligible for a special discount on The People in Question, to be advised at the event.


Professor Jo Shaw, University of Edinburgh

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Jo Shaw has held the Salvesen Chair of European Institutions in the School of Law since January 2005. Since 2018, she has also held a part time visiting position in the New Social Research programme of Tampere University in Finland.

Between 2009-2013, she was Dean of Research of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, leading on research development and REF submission for the College. From 2014-2017 she was Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities.

Since 2017, she has been working on a set of related projects on citizenship regimes: what they are and how they work. Her work has been supported by a EURIAS Fellowship at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (2017-2018) and a Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship (2018-2020). She is also co-Director of the Global Citizenship Observatory. Her current work builds on research previously funded by the European Research Council and the Nuffield Foundation.

Associate Professor Jaclyn Neo, National University of Singapore

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Jaclyn Neo is an Associate Professor of Law at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She specializes in constitutional law, as well as law and migration. Jaclyn has degrees from NUS Faculty of Law and Yale Law School. She is a recipient of multiple academic scholarships and competitive research grants. Her work aims to forefront Asian jurisdictions and mainstream them in comparative constitutional law.

Jaclyn has published in leading journals in her field, including the International Journal of Constitutional Law (I-CON), Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, Human Rights Quarterly, and the Singapore Journal of Legal Studies. She is the sole editor of Constitutional Interpretation in Singapore: Theory and Practice (Routledge, 2017) and co-editor of Pluralist Constitutions in Southeast Asia (Hart, 2019), and Regulating Religion in Asia: Norms, Modes, and Challenges (CUP 2019). Jaclyn has also served as a guest editor for the Singapore Academy of Law Journal, Journal of Law, Religion, and State, as well as the Journal of International and Comparative Law. Her article on domestic incorporation of international human rights law in a dualist state won the Asian Yearbook of International Law’s DILA International Law Prize. Her work has been cited by the courts in Singapore and by the Supreme Court of India. In 2017, in recognition of her research on religious freedom in Southeast Asia, she was awarded the SHAPE-SEA Research Award.

Jaclyn has held visiting positions at the Cluster of Excellence ‘The Formation of Normative Orders’ at Frankfurt University, University of Münster, University of Trento, and Melbourne Law School. In AY 2019/2020, she will be a visiting professor with the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, and the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity.

Jaclyn currently serves on the Singapore Law Society’s Public and International Law Committee and the Singapore Academy of Law’s Law Reform Committee. She is an elected Council Member of International Society for Public Law (ICON-S) and the co-founder of the Singapore Chapter of ICON-S. Prior to joining the faculty, Jaclyn was a disputes resolution lawyer with WongPartnership and remains a consultant with the firm.

Dr Julija Sardelić, Victoria University of Wellington

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Julija Sardelić is a political sociologist and a socio-legal scholar with a general research interest in citizenship and migration including minority rights, statelessness and forced migration. Her main research focus has been on (1) the position of Romani minorities as marginalized citizens in Europe and on (2) how the 'refugee crisis' in 2015/16 has affected the politics of diversity in Europe.

She is a Lecturer at the Political Science and International Relations Programme at Victoria University of Wellington. Before, she was a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the Leuven International and European Studies (LINES) at the University of Leuven in Belgium. Her Marie Curie Sklodowska Research Project is entitled  "Invisible Edges of Citizenship: Readdressing the Position of Romani Minorities in Europe" (Acronym: InViCitRom). The project seeks to develop how Romani individuals are positioned as citizens and to show that their marginalization is not produced due to their perceived self-isolation, but link it to different citizenship policies that contribute to their disadvantaged position. 

Prior to her current academic positions, she was a Postdoctoral Researcher at School of Law and Social Justice at the University of Liverpool, Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute and CITSEE Research Fellow at the School of Law, University of Edinburgh, where she focused on the position of Romani minorities as forced migrants in the context of post-Yugoslav citizenship regimes.  

Earlier, she worked as a researcher on various researcher on various EU-funded projects (FP7, IPA, ERC. etc.) at the University of Ljubljana, where she also defended her PhD in Sociology. She holds an MA degree with Distinction from the Central European University and has a decade-long experience in working as a civil society activist in Romani settlements. 

Dr Rayner Thwaites, University of Sydney

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Rayner Thwaites is ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher in the University of Sydney Law School. His research project, Conditional citizenship: Revocation’s Implications for Australians (No. DE160101123) is a comparative study of contemporary law on deprivation of citizenship status, focussing on Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, and analysing the interaction between domestic and International law on nationality.

Dr Murray Wesson, University of Western Australia

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Murray Wesson is a senior lecturer in the Law School, University of Western Australia. He completed his LLB at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban, South Africa. Thereafter he studied at the University of Oxford on the KwaZulu-Natal Rhodes Scholarship, where he completed a Bachelor of Civil Law, MPhil and DPhil degrees. He has taught at the Universities of KwaZulu-Natal, Oxford and Leeds, and been a visiting lecturer at the Central European University in Budapest and the Law Institute in Jersey.

Associate Professor Amelia Simpson, ANU College of Law

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Dr Amelia Simpson is one of Australia’s leading scholars of discrimination and equality principles in constitutional law. Her published research on interstate free trade doctrine has been cited and quoted with approval by pluralities in Australia’s High Court and Federal Court.

Amelia’s wider body of research has been cited extensively within the writings of other leading public law scholars and she was ranked in the top 20 most prolific publishers in Australia’s highest quality law journals over the period 2000-2010.

Amelia is an author of Hanks Australian Constitutional Law: Materials and Commentary (2016, LexisNexis), an invited contributor to the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of the Australian Constitution, edited by Cheryl Saunders and Adrienne Stone, and is also contributing to the forthcoming Australian Constitutional Values collection edited by Rosalind Dixon.


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