Legal Education and Practice: A matter of knowledge or experience?

Date & time

26 July 2023 1:00pm - 2:00pm


Phillipa Weeks Staff Library, Room 7.4.1.

ANU College of Law, Building 7 Fellows Road, Acton, ACT, 2601


College of Law Visitors Committee

Event description

Two trends have been taking place in Western and Western-oriented jurisdictions over the past few decades. On the one hand, law has beeen significantly expanding and intensifying its regulatory reach. On the other, law schools and the legal professions have been undergoing an acute crisis. At first glance, these two trends may seem incompatible. For one may be puzzled by the fact that while law, as a governing institution, is thriving, the very places where future legal professionals are formed and those places where it is practised are suffering. 

This seminar addresses this seeming paradox. It argues that rather than being antithetical, these two trends are in fact complementary manifestations of a single phenomenon - namely, that law is and will increasingly be capable of performing its regulatory function without recurring to the experiential medium of legal experts (known as jurists in Civil law systems, 'lawyers' in Common law ones), This is because legal education and practice pursue knowledge by employing analytical techniques of reasoning and argumentation that void experience and render it obsolete. 


Featured Speakers

Dr Luca Siliquini Cinelli
Dr Luca Siliquini Cinelli
Dr Luca Siliquini Cinelli

Dr Luca Siliquini Cinelli is a Reader in Law at the School of Law and Politics, Cardiff University. A former practicing Barrister (Italy Bar), Luca holds degrees from the University of Turin, Italy. He is a legal comparatist and philosopher specialising in comparative contract law, comparative legal traditions, continental philosophy and political theory, and Japanese socio-legal theory.

Luca has published nine books in both English and Italian with Cambridge University Press, Routledge, Kluwer, Springer, and Giappichelli, amongst others. He is author of several articles published in some of the leading law journals, including the International Journal of Law in Context, the Asian Journal of Law and Society, Law and Critique, The Journal of Comparative Law (twice), Global Jurist, the Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy, The University of Queensland Law Journal, the Griffith Law Review, The South African Law Journal, the Journal of Civil Law Studies, the Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law, the Chicago-Kent Journal of International & Comparative Law, the Loyola of Los Angeles Review of International & Comparative Law, and the Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal. He has co-guest edited the 2021 Special Issue of Critical Analysis of Law on ‘The Philosophies of Comparative Law’, as well as authored the 2020 UK Report for the Special Issue of the Zeitschrift für Japanisches Recht/Journal of Japanese Law on ‘The State of Japanese Legal Studies in Europe’.

Luca’s research has been funded by, amongst others, the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, the Max Planck Society, The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, and the Uppsala Forum on Democracy, Peace and Justice. He has held visiting research and teaching positions at the Faculty of Law, University of Trento (2022); at the Centre for Law and Philosophy, University of Surrey (2019); at the Graduate School of Law, Kobe University (2018); at the Faculty of Law, Uppsala University (2017); at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (2016); at the Faculty of Law and EU Institute in Japan at Kyushu University (2015-16); and at the Private Law Department and Centre for Comparative Law in Africa at the University of Cape Town (2012, 2013).


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