'Incarceration Nation' screening and discussion on ACT's next steps

Image credit: Incarceration Nation

Date & time

23 February 2022 5:30pm - 8:00pm


Kambri Cinema

University Avenue

The Australian National University


Temiloluwa Oladiji

Event description

UPDATE: The venue for this event has changed to the Kambri Cinema.

Presented by The Australian National University (ANU) College of Law, Law Reform and Social Justice Initiative and Documentary Australia Foundation, we invite you to join us for a screening of the acclaimed documentary Incarceration Nation followed by a panel discussion.

  • 5:30pm Welcome to Country
  • 5:40pm Incarceration Nation screening
  • 7:00pm Intermission
  • 7:10pm Panel discussion

There will be an intermission between the screening and panel, designed to enable people to attend the panel event, even if they choose not to attend the screening. Non-Indigenous invitees are strongly advised to join for the screening or have watched the film prior to attending the panel discussion.

Our panel:

  • Professor Tom Calma AO, University of Canberra Chancellor
  • Magistrate Louise Taylor, ACT Magistrates Court
  • Leah House, First Nations Victims Support Liaison Officer

Moderator: Lillian Ireland, activist and former associate to Magistrate Taylor.

The panel discussion will provide an opportunity to discuss necessary areas of change for policymakers, legal professionals and the wider Australian community.

Light refreshments will be served and the University’s COVID-19 guidelines will be implemented. Although this is an outdoors event, masks are recommended for everyone's safety.


Incarceration Nation speaks to the integral role of First Nations grass-roots organisations and corporations providing support to First Nations youth and their families.

Donations are being collected for this event -- through the 'Donations' ticket option and at the event -- in aid of Gugan Gulwan, an Aboriginal youth centre located in the ACT suburb of Wanniassa. The Corporation actively shares their expertise with others and works in partnership to create opportunities for the voices of children and youth to be heard across the sector and within government. Their range of services include case management, community engagement, counselling, direct service delivery; policy development; program design; systems design; program evaluation and oversight; partnership development; financial and capital management; human resources; information technology; information management and analytics; organisational development; and administration. While not always visible, each of these functions is crucial for serving the region’s young people effectively and responsibly.'

Content note: Viewer discretion is advised for the film as it contains material regarding deaths in custody and the violence experienced by First Nations peoples in the Australian carceral system. The film may be traumatic, particularly for First Nations peoples. First Nations viewers are advised that the film contains the images and voices of people who have passed, and images and voices that may cause distress. First Nations people are welcome to attend for the speakers panel event only if they so choose.

About the documentary

Incarceration Nation examines the connection between relentless government intervention since colonisation and the trauma and disadvantage experienced by Indigenous Australians - two key drivers of incarceration. The film is a part of Incarceration Nation’s campaign to take long-term, sustained action to address racism and injustice in Australia.

This story needs to be told; it’s time to put our Nation’s justice system on trial.

M | 1h 20m | 2021


Featured Speakers

Professor Tom Calma AO, Magistrate Louise Taylor, Leah House, Lillian Ireland


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