2021 ANZSIL IELIG Workshop- Call for Papers

Date & time


The ANU College of Law
Venue TBC


Dr Dilan Thampapillai

Event description

Call for papers


The ANZSIL International Economic Law Interest Group (IELIG) was established in 2011 to provide a forum for those interested in international economic law, especially international regulation of trade, investment, intellectual property, and monetary law. The work of the Interest Group covers all areas of international economic law and its implementation in domestic law, embracing both theoretical and practical aspects. The IELIG aims to maintain relevance for government, practitioners and academics alike and encourages discussion and exchange of ideas among all those involved in this field.

2021 Workshop

The 2021 IELIG Workshop will be held in Canberra at the Australian National University on Monday, 6 September 2021. Its aim is to provide an informal setting for discussion of topical issues and works in progress. The programme will include a dedicated session for the presentation of current PhD research.

We invite paper proposals from ANZSIL members, practitioners in the field as well as staff from MFAT, DFAT, and the Attorney-General’s Department. We particularly encourage PhD students and early career practitioners and academics to submit a proposal. Paper proposals may be on any topic within the work of the IELIG. All speakers are invited to publish their paper in the Australian Year Book of International Law or the New Zealand Yearbook of International Law.

We also invite ANZSIL members and MFAT/DFAT/AGD staff to attend the workshop, even if not presenting a paper. For reasons of space, places for attendees may be limited, and will be allocated in order of RSVPs.

Submission of proposals

If you wish to submit a paper proposal, please submit an abstract of 300 words by email to d.thampapillai@unsw.edu.au by Friday, 30 July 2021. Please include the heading on your email message ‘ANZSIL IELIG Workshop Proposal: [Your Name]’.


There is no charge to attend the Workshop. For catering purposes and to ensure we hold a space for you, please RSVP by email to d.thampapillai@unsw.edu.auby Friday, 20 August 2021.



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