Juris Doctor Online Course Offerings

From Semester 1 2020, the online delivery mode for all compulsory courses in the ANU College of Law Juris Doctor will be phased out. From Semester 1 2024, all compulsory courses in the ANU College of Law Juris Doctor will be delivered on-campus only. Students will then benefit from the on-campus postgraduate student experience and become part of our vibrant campus community.

Some elective courses in the Juris Doctor will remain available online. In the latter years of their degree, students may elect to study some of their courses online (subject to the availability of online elective courses).

Students who commenced the ANU Juris Doctor program prior to 2020 still have the option to complete the program completely online provided the recommended study pattern is adhered to. Those studying part-time will need to maintain  

Course #Course NameRemaining Running ScheduleLast Online Offering
LAWS6101Foundations of Australian LawS2 2019
LAWS6103TortsS1 2020
LAWS6104ContractsS1 2020
LAWS6105Australian Public LawS2 2020
LAWS6102Lawyers, Justice & EthicsS2 2020
LAWS6106Criminal Law & ProcedureS1 2021
LAWS6203Corporations LawS1 2021
LAWS6250International LawS1 2021
LAWS6201Administrative LawS1 2022
LAWS6204PropertyS1 2022
LAWS6202Commonwealth Constitutional LawS2 2022
LAWS6249Legal TheoryS2 2022
LAWS6244Litigation & Dispute ManagementS1 2023S1 2023
LAWS6205Equity & TrustsS2 2023S2 2023
LAWS6207EvidenceS2 2023S2 2023