International Advisory Panel on Referendums


The International Advisory Panel on Referendums is an organisation of academic and practical experts on referendum design and administration. Its objectives are to help governments and non-governmental organisations to design or advocate for referendums that enable both widespread popular participation and robust deliberation among voters. Specific areas of expertise include:

  • substantive wording and design of referendum ballots
  • information dissemination and deliberative democratic consultation during referendum campaigns, and
  • administration of voting

Members of the Panel have advised governments and non-governmental organisations on referendums in places including:

  • Cyprus (Cypriot Annan Plan referendums)
  • Australia (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice)
  • Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea (secession referendum)
  • New Caledonia, French-administered territory (secession referendum)

Fields of research

 Constitutional Law and Theory; Law, Governance and Development; Administrative Law

Project team

Project start

January 2020

Project status
