In the media
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Call for any vaccine passport to balance human rights

Jolyon Ford  speaks to Canberra Weekly

Call for any vaccine passport to balance human rights

Ron Levy  quoted in Canberra Weekly

Should Australia recognise a Taliban government?

Donald Rothwell  writes in The Conversation

Airports blind to al-Qa’ida threat

 writes in The Australian

We need to listen to young people on tackling COVID

Faith Gordon  writes in The Age

We need to listen to young people on tackling COVID

Faith Gordon  writes in The Age

What’s in a name? The Taliban and recognition under international law

Donald Rothwell  writes in The Interpreter

Afghan refugee intake expectations around the world

Kate Ogg  interviewed by The Wire

‘Dangerous’ mass surveillance bill could endanger whistleblowers, HRLC says

Kieran Pender  quoted in Lawyers Weekly

Flags of Convenience

Donald Rothwell  interviewed by ABC Late Night Live