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New Zealand and Australia Ponder a Lower Voting Age

Faith Gordon  quoted in The New York Times

Nationals vote to silence talk of one voice

Ron Levy  quoted in The Australian

Youth detention centres

  ABC Radio Darwin

Is it Better to Review or Monitor Terror Laws? The UK and Australian Positions Compared

 speaks with Jonathan Hall KC about whether it is better to review or monitor terror laws during the Inner Temple Social Context of the Law Lecture.

National Childrens Commissioner calls for youth justice taskforce

Faith Gordon  interviewed by ABC News Radio

Ashmore Reef resurfaces as a maritime headache

Donald Rothwell  writes in The Interpreter

Australia–Japan military cooperation retains capital punishment risk

Donald Rothwell  writes in East Asia Forum

Myanmar's military defends air strikes on concert

Jonathan Liljeblad  quoted in ABC News Radio

UN calls for unlimited access for team inspecting detention facilities

Heather Roberts  interviewed by ABC Radio National Law Report

Justice Jayne Jagot sworn into the High Court

Heather Roberts  interviewed by ABC Canberra Mornings

Legal impact on Australia following Queen Elizabeth II’s death

Jelena Gligorijevic  interviewed by Sky News

Proposed drug decriminalisation bill is one step forward two steps back

Desmond Manderson  quoted in The Canberra Times