Izzy’s international upbringing and intergalactic career ambitions
Izzy Marsh

Izzy Marsh is interested in law’s intersections with space and technology.

Studying law at ANU has exposed Izzy to a multitude of opportunities.

By Varshini Viswanath (student ambassador)

In addition to being a student ambassador at The Australian National University (ANU) College of Law, Izzy Marsh is also the College’s representative for the ANU Students Association. Her interests transcend academics, including her involvement in the annual ANU endurance and orienteering running competition Inward Bound as well as exploring the dynamic, ever-evolving field of space law.

While some final-year students have a firm idea of next career steps, Izzy knows exactly what she does not want do (at least for now): practise law.

Her story demonstrates the many paths available to law students at ANU.

When Izzy is not working or studying hard in Marie Reay Teaching Centre at Kambri, she enjoys taking advantage of Canberra’s outdoors by hiking and outdoor rock climbing. For Izzy, life in the ‘bush capital’ is as much a part of her university experience as ANU.

Born to European parents and having previously lived in Luxembourg, Izzy says her interest in international law and in French arises partly as a result of her international upbringing. She was drawn to ANU by its flexible double degree programs, which has allowed Izzy to minor in French through her Bachelor of International Relations/Laws (Hons).

Studying law at ANU has exposed Izzy to a multitude of opportunities. She has volunteered at the Kimberley Community Legal Services hotdesk, founded by the ANU College of Law in 2017, and the Youth Law Clinic, a clinical program convened by senior lecturer Dr Faith Gordon.

These experiences allowed Izzy to contribute to the community in various ways, from helping university students challenge parking infringements to researching fracking in the Kimberley region of Western Australia and providing support to its remote Indigenous communities.

Alongside her busy schedule, Izzy is often contemplating the fascinating world of space law.

“What happens if people shoot each other at the international space station? What are the ethical and legal questions in regard to colonising Mars?” These are some of the questions that intrigue her.

In addition to her ambition to one day launch a space consulting company with her sister, Izzy is also deeply interested in international law and technology – a passion she has pursued as a general member (research) for the ANU Journal of Law and Technology.

In 2020, Izzy participated in an exchange program at Maastricht University, Netherlands. There, she studied European criminal justice and private international law. Although her time abroad was curtailed by COVID-19, a trip to Mars may be on the cards for Izzy in future – as soon as international (and inter-planetary) travel becomes viable.