Lantern Japan
Australia-Japan Student Policy Summit

By 2030, the world must have moved towards a sustainable and equitable human future. To achieve this, emergent leaders across our vibrant and diverse Asia Pacific region will have to work together to transform local and global realities. Committed to supporting this, Sophia University (Tokyo, Japan) and the ANU College of Law (in partnership with the ANU College of Asia & the Pacific and the ANU Japan Institute) are establishing an exciting new collaborative opportunity for study of globally relevant policy issues and leadership

Don't miss out on this opportunity to participate in this new initiative, and receive credit for your work through enrolment in LAWS4011/ LAWS6011: Law, Mooting and Advocacy.



Competitor Eligibility

To be eligible to apply for the competition, students must:

  • Be enrolled in ANU Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (LLB (Hons)), Juris Doctor (JD), Master of Laws (LLM) or Master of International Law and Diplomacy (MNILD); and
  • Have completed or be completing five 1000 or 6100 level LAWS courses in you are an LLB or JD student; and
  • Submit an application before the deadline.


Details about the Competition

20 students will be selected for the 2024 event: 14 from the ANU and 6 from Sophia University. In January and February 2023, students will engage in preparatory work (independent study, on-demand and/or real-time digital classes and virtual group discussions) before participating in an intensive Summit at the ANU in Canberra between 18-22 March 2024. The Summit course will involve stimulating interdisciplinary and inter-institutional tuition from experts in law, politics, and international relations. Participating students will gain skills and knowledge necessary to drive positive global social change and creatively solve complex challenges facing humanity, as well as shared experiences with a network of interdisciplinary, intercultural collaborators.


Summit Theme

The theme of the inaugural Summit will be ‘Diversity and Inclusion in Australia and Japan: harnessing diverse perspectives for change’. The focus will be on the diversity and inclusion landscapes in Australia and Japan as models for the Asia-Pacific region, with an emphasis on the models’ utility in promoting social and systemic change and the collaboration between states in advancing these goals. This will involve (i) assessing the current situation from a holistic and inter-disciplinary perspective and identifying achievements, challenges and opportunities (ii) articulating the vision for the future and approaches likely to realise it, and (iii) identifying concrete strategies for change, with a particular emphasis on international co-operation.


Documents to prepare for your application

Enrollment in this summit is by competitive application. Students should apply online through the Apply Now button below, and supply:

  • a CV;and
  • a full academic transcript;and
  • a statement of motivation and experience relevant to public policy, international collaboration and the thematic focus of the Summit (maximum 400 words).

Students may also submit up to two statements of recommendation. Shortlisted candidates may be invited to interview.



Application Dates and How to apply

Applications open: Monday 23 October 2023, 9:00am<

Applications close: Thursday 30 November 2023,11:45pm

Expected Decision Day: early December 2023

Apply here


Law Student and Education Support team

(02) 6125 3483