Leanne Smith
Leanne Smith


BA (AsianStudies) '97
LLB (Hons) '98

Years at ANU

1994 to 1998

Other degrees

GradDipForeignRel (Monash), MPP (Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton)

Image: Supplied
Chief (Policy & Best Practices Service)
United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations

Other degrees: GradDipForeignRel (Monash), MPP (Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton)

Leanne is a diplomat and lawyer with experience in policy development, bilateral and multilateral negotiations, crisis management and implementation of international law, particularly in the field of human rights and the rule of law. She has extensive experience working in the Australian judicial system, the NGO sector, regional human rights organisations, the Australian Government and the United Nations.

  • Is a Religion, Diplomacy and International Relations Fellow of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University.
  • Has served with DFAT and UN Peacekeeping Operations in Southeast Asia, Africa, the Balkans and Afghanistan.