Professor Mark McMillan
Professor Mark McMillan


LLB '01

Years at ANU

1997 to 2001

Other degrees

LLM, SJD (Arizona)

Image: Supplied
Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor

Other degrees: LLM, SJD (Arizona)

A Wiradjuri man from Trangie in New South Wales, Mark's research focuses on human rights and the fulfilment of those rights for Indigenous Australians. He was recently appointed the inaugural Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor for Indigenous education and engagement at RMIT.

  • NAIDOC Scholar of the Year for 2013.
  • Recipient of a 2009 Fulbright Indigenous Scholarship.
  • He was previously an Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne Law where he was the Chief Investigator on an ARC Linkage Grant on Indigenous nationhood in the absence of recognition.
  • Served as an Appellate Judge in the Yaqui Court of Appeals - a native American tribal court in Tucson, Arizona.