Chris Reid
Chris Reid


BA(PolS) '94
GradDipArts '95
MGovComLaw '03

Year at ANU


Director - Corporate Governance and Risk Office and Secretary, ANU Council
Australian National University

Chris held senior positions in the Commonwealth Parliament, in the Senate, for over a decade until mid-2017. During this time, he was responsible for the operation of Senate Committees (inquiries into bills and other references), including Senate Estimates, and then for the Table Office which manages the Senate’s agenda and record keeping to facilitate, inter alia, the consideration of legislation, committee and other reports. In these positions, Chris also served a Clerk-at-the-table for many years in support of the legislative process and to advise the President and senators on matters of Senate practice and procedure.

Chris is now the Secretary to the ANU Council and the Director of the Corporate Governance and Risk Office.

Away from work, Chris is a keen sports historian (athletics, cricket and major events such as Tour de France, football World Cups etc) and may one day complete his PhD about the Olympic 100m.