Professor Mark Nolan is an interdisciplinary legal scholar with doctoral training in social psychology. He researches criminal law and procedure including codified Australian federal criminal law (such as counter-terrorism law and human trafficking) and military discipline law. He has also researched citizenship law, human rights law, intergroup relations, social justice theory, and sentencing law (via work with the National Judicial College of Australia).
Beyond producing books, journal articles and book chapters, Mark has presented more than 60 research-based seminars and public presentations over the past decade to university students in law and/or psychology, judges, psychologists, psychiatrists, policy makers and prisoners.
Mark has contributed to or hosted national and international research meetings on jury reform, focusing on jury law and policy in Australia, Japan and Korea.
Mark has completed staff research exchanges in Japan (Chuo University) and research training in Myanmar (University of Yangon), as well as delivering research presentations in Thailand (Chulalongkorn and Thammasat Universities). Mark holds a Masters of Asia Pacific Studies from the ANU, majoring in Thai language.
Mark was the inaugural ACT Branch President of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law (ANZAPPL) from 2012-2015. Since 2012 he has organised a program of research presentations and conferences for ANZAPPL (in 2015, jointly hosted by the Faculty of Forensic Psychiatry of the Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists). He is currently President Elect of the binational organisation ANZAPPL Inc and is an Ordinary Member on the Committee of ANZAPPL ACT.
- Director of Postgraduate Education
- Associate Dean (Education)
- Chair of the ANU College of Law Education Committee
- Member of the ANU University Education Committee (UEC)
- Member of the ANU UEC Sub-Committee on Education Standards and Quality
- Research Integrity Advisor
- Director of Higher Degree Research Program
- Chair of the Higher Degree Program Committee
- Member of the ANU UEC Sub-Committee on Higher Degree Research
- Member University Information Technology Committee, Chair of the College Information Technology and Communications Committee
- Chair of the ANU College of Law Human Research Ethics Committee
- Member of the College Education Committee
- Member of the College Research Committee
- Member of the National Judicial College of Australia Conference Organising Committee
Significant research publications
- M Nolan and J Goodman-Delahunty, Legal Psychology in Australia (Pyrmont: Lawbook, Thomson Reuters, 2015; xxix + 469pp).
- F Jenkins, M Nolan, and K Rubenstein, Allegiance and Identity in a Globalised World (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014; xx + 675pp).
- C McKay, MA Nolan, M Smithson, 'Effectiveness of Question Trails as Jury Decision Aids: The Jury's Still Out' (2014) 21(4) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 492-510.
- MA Nolan, 'Review Essay: The Constitutional System of Thailand: A Contextual Analysis' (2012) 13(1) Australian Journal of Asian Law (available via SSRN at, 8 pp pdf)
- MA Nolan, 'Counter-terrorism, Interviewing, and Investigative Interoperability: R v ul-Haque [2007] NSWSC 1251' (2009) 16(2) Psychiatry, Psychology, and Law 175-190.
- MA Nolan and PJ Oakes, 'Human Rights Concepts in Australian Political Debate' in T D Campbell, J Goldsworthy and A Stone (eds.), Protecting Human Rights: Instruments and Institutions (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003) 75-92.