Professor Rubenstein’s expertise in citizenship law, through her book, scholarly articles and book chapters is of significance to other academic scholarship, teaching, as well as public policy. Kim was appointed a consultant to the Commonwealth in its redrafting of Australian citizenship legislation, resulting in the 2007 Act and later was a member of the Independent Expert Committee set up to review the Australian Citizenship Test that reported in 2008. In 2012 she was appointed an ANU Public Policy Fellow and was named in the first batch of Westpac '100 Women of Influence' Australian Financial Review awards for her work in public policy. In October 2013 she was awarded the inaugural Edna Ryan award for 'leading feminist changes in the public sphere'.
Her research involves engaging with concepts of active citizenship.
She has just completed two ARC Research Council grants.
Her oral history Linkage Project on Trailblazing Women and the Law, with the National Library of Australia, the National Foundation for Australian Women, the Federal Court of Australia, the Family Court of Australia and the Australian Women Lawyers examined how the status of being a lawyer frames women’s capacity to be active citizens. The online exhibition Australian Women Lawyers as Active citizens can be viewed at:
Her ARC Discovery Project on The Court as Archive examined the place of Superior Courts of Record within the context of public law and citizenship: Can current conceptualisations of the role of Chapter III courts be extended to deepen an understanding of their function as guardians and producers of the civic experience and expectations of the Australian litigants who come before them? See the book from the project at
Professor Rubenstein was the Inaugural Convenor of the ANU Gender Institute in 2011-2012 and for the first semester of 2016 she was Acting Convenor of the ANU Gender Institute.
Professor Rubenstein is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law and the Australian Academy of Social Sciences.
For a fuller biography of Professor Rubenstein see
Professor Rubenstein has been a Visiting Professor at Tel Aviv Law School in 2017 and 2018 teaching her comparative Citizenship law course.
From October 2018 through until January 2019 Professor Rubenstein was a Lady Davis Visiting Professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Significant research publications
- JOHNSTONE, R. PATTERSON, J. AND RUBENSTEIN, K., Improving Feedback to Students on their Assessment in Law (1998, Cavendish)
- RUBENSTEIN, KIM (ed), Individual, Community, Nation: 50 years of Australian Citizenship. (2000, Australian Scholarly Publishing )
- RUBENSTEIN, KIM Australian Citizenship Law in Context, 2002, Lawbook Co, 2nd edition, 2017 (chapter 4 with Jacqueline Field)
- BRONITT, S AND RUBENSTEIN, K (eds) Citizenship in a Post-National World: Australia and Europe Compared (Federation Press, Law and Policy No 29, 2008) iii-73
- FARRALL, J AND RUBENSTEIN, K (eds) Sanctions, Accountability and Governance in a Globalised World (Cambridge University Press, 2009)
- POGGE, T, RIMMER, M AND RUBENSTEIN K, (eds) Incentives for Global Public Health: Patent Law and Access to Essential Medicines (Cambridge University Press, 2010)
- JESSUP, B AND RUBENSTEIN K (eds) Environmental Discourses in Public and International law (Cambridge University Press, 2012)
- JENKINS, F, NOLAN, M and RUBENSTEIN K (eds) Allegiance and Identity in a Globalised World (Cambridge University Press, 2014)
- NASU, H and RUBENSTEIN, K (eds) Legal Perspectives on Security Institutions (Cambridge University Press, 2015)
- RUBENSTEIN, K and YOUNG, K (eds) The Public Law of Gender (Cambridge University Press, in press 2016)