Dr Jelena Gligorijević specialises in media law, constitutional law, and legal philosophy.
Her research focuses on the intersection of these areas in issues including privacy, defamation, parliamentary privilege, and freedom of expression, and is published widely in apex peer-reviewed journals.
Dr Gligorijević's article on a common law tort of interference with privacy has been cited by the High Court of Australia (Farm Transparency v NSW [2022] HCA 23 (Gageler J, [90]) as academic authority on the proper interaction between legal protections for privacy and the implied constitutional freedom of political communication.
In 2024, Dr Gligorijević’s published research on privacy was quoted at length and adopted in a Victorian Court, as a key basis for that Court's recognition of a standalone common law tort of interference with privacy (Waller v Barrett (pseudonyms) [2024] VCC 962, [259], [301], [315]). This judgment juridified Dr Gligorijević’s explanation of dignity and autonomy in Australian private law, and explicitly recognised an Australian common law privacy tort, in spite of decades of judicial reluctance, and despite a new statutory privacy tort being introduced into the Commonwealth Parliament.
Dr Gligorijević’s scholarship on privacy has also been adopted and cited in the recommendations of the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department in its Privacy Act Review Report (February 2023), on the general need for a new Australian tort of interference with privacy: the Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 contains the new statutory tort for serious invasion of privacy.
In 2019, the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales cited with approval Dr Gligorijević’s UKCLA note, ‘Unconstitutional Abuse of Parliamentary Privilege’, in his Commonwealth Law Conference address.
In addition to being adopted in significant judgments and judicial commentary, Dr Gligorijević’s scholarship on privacy and defamation, from both a private law and a public law perspective, has been cited and quoted widely and internationally as authority in those areas of the law by other scholars in their peer reviewed publications on a variety of legal topics, in legal textbooks, and in governmental law reform reports, including in the UK, US, Israel, South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia. Her scholarship on privacy has been adopted as "the Gligorijevic model" in peer-reviewed publications, including in work exploring new causes of action at the intersection of tort law and IP law.
Dr Gligorijević holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge (Trinity College), and an LLM (First Class Honours) also from the University of Cambridge. Her LLB (First Class Honours) and BA (German, and Political Science) are from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
Her doctoral work, which has been cited in the Cambridge Law Journal (2019), examined the nature and resolution of rights conflicts by common law courts, focusing on the conflict between privacy and freedom of expression. Her PhD was conferred by the University of Cambridge in 2020.
Dr Gligorijevic is regularly invited to write book reviews, including by the Cambridge Law Journal, to contribute to federal and state law reform processes, and to provide expert commentary on media law and constitutional law by international and national newspapers and broadcasters.
Dr Gligorijević is also regularly invited to present her research to academic conferences and institutions world-wide, including the Cambridge Centre for Public Law; Cambridge Forum for Legal and Political Philosophy; ANU School of Philosophy; Glasgow Public Law Centre; University Cape Town Law Faculty; Privacy Law Scholars Conference; Society of Legal Scholars (London); biennial Public Law Conference; Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies, Melbourne; Trinity College, Dublin; McGill University, Montreal; University of Canterbury, NZ; Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster; KU Leuven; Università Degli Studi di Genova; and Trinity Forum, Cambridge.
Dr Gligorijević is the founding convenor of the ANU Law & Philosophy Forum. She is a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand.
Appointments and Fellowships
- Director of Higher Degree Research, ANU School of Law (January 2025-)
- Chair, ANU Law Higher Degree Research Committee (January 2025-)
- Research Committee, ANU School of Law (ex officio HDR Director, January 2025-)
- Deputy Associate Dean (Higher Degree Research), ANU College of Law (2023-Dec 2025)
- Research Committee, ANU College of Law (ERC representative, 2022-2024; HDR representative, 2024)
- University of Cape Town Faculty of Law Research Fellow (awarded 2023, for 2024)
- Gerard McCoy Visiting Fellow, University of Canterbury Faculty of Law (awarded 2021, for 2023).
- Convenor of Higher Degree Research, ANU College of Law (Feb 2022-Feb 2023)
- Deputy Director of Higher Degree Research, ANU College of Law (Aug 2021-Feb 2022)
- Editorial Board, Federal Law Review (Aug 2019 - Dec 2021).
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2020-).
- Affiliated Member of the ANU Centre for Moral, Social and Political Theory (2021-).
- ANU Law & Philosophy Forum, founding convenor (2020-).
- Visitors and Honorary Appointments Committee, ANU College of Law (Aug 2019 - Aug 2021).
- Contributing member, ANU Crawford School of Public Policy, Policy Forum (Asia & Pacific Policy Society) (2021-)
- Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand.
Significant research publications
- forthcoming: J Gligorijevic “In Defence of a Modest Conception of Proportionality” in J Griffiths, J Stellios and J Gligorijevic (eds) Current Issues in Australian Constitutional Law, Vol III (forthcoming, The Federation Press, 2026)
- forthcoming: J Griffiths, J Stellios and J Gligorijevic (eds) Current Issues in Australian Constitutional Law, Vol III (forthcoming, The Federation Press, 2026).
- J Gligorijević “Privacy, Liberty and Security: Implications for the Legitimacy of Governmental Surveillance” in A Brunon-Ernst, J Gligorijevic, D Manderson, and C Wrobel (eds) Law, Surveillance and the Humanities (EUP, 2023), Chapter 5.
- J Gligorijevic “Tort-Based Protections for Data Privacy” in D Clifford, J Paterson and KH Lau Data and Private Law (Hart, 2023), Chapter 9, pp 143-160.
- A Brunon-Ernst, J Gligorijević, D Manderson, and C Wrobel (eds) Law, Surveillance and the Humanities (EUP, 2023).
- J Gligorijević "Taming the ‘chilling effect’ of defamation law: English experience and implications for Australia" (2022) 50(2) Federal Law Review 221-248.
- J Gligorijević "A Common Law Tort of Interference with Privacy for Australia: Reaffirming ABC v Lenah Game Meats" (2021) 44(2) UNSW Law Journal 673.
- cited as authority in Farm Transparency International Ltd v State of NSW [2022] HCA 23, per Gageler J, [90].
- adopted and quoted in Waller (A Pseudonym) v Barrett (A Pseudonym) [2024] VCC 962, [259], [301], [315].
- J Gligorijević "Children’s privacy: The Role of Parental Control and Consent" (2019) 19(2) Human Rights Law Review 201-229.
- J Gligorijević "Privacy at the Intersection of Public Law and Private Law" [2019] Public Law 563-580.
- J Gligorijević “Publication restrictions on judgments and judicial proceedings: problems with the presumptive equivalence of rights” (2017) 9(2) Journal of Media Law 215-231.
- J Gligorijević “Parliamentary privilege reaffirmed” [2014] NZLJ 393.
Book reviews:
- J Gligorijević "Book Review: A Free and Regulated Press: Defending Coercive Independent Press Regulation by Paul Wragg" (2022) 44(2) Sydney Law Review 339.
- J Gligorijević "Protecting Personal Information: The Right to Privacy Reconsidered by A Monti and R Wacks" (2020) 79(3) Cambridge Law Journal 192.
Selected academic commentary:
- J Gligorijević "Game, Set and Match for the Rule of Law", 10 January 2022, UK Constitutional Law Association (accessible at: https://ukconstitutionallaw.org/2022/01/10/jelena-gligorijevic-game-set-...)
- J Gligorijević “Freedom of expression, or protection from harm? Regulating online media”, 22 January 2021, ANU Crawford School of Public Policy’s Policy Forum (accessible at: https://www.policyforum.net/freedom-of-expression-or-protection-from-harm/)
- J Gligorijević "(Un)lawful Lockdown and Government Accountability", 11 May 2020, Scoop Media (accessible at: https://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL2005/S00087/unlawful-lockdown-and-gove...)
- J Gligorijević "Government Accountability for the Lawfulness of Lockdown", 11 May 2020, UK Constitutional Law Association (accessible at: https://ukconstitutionallaw.org/2020/05/11/jelena-gligorijevic-government-accountability-for-the-lawfulness-of-lockdown-new-zealand-parliamentary-scrutiny-and-privileged-legal-advice/)
- J Gligorijević “Coronavirus, Media Reportage and Patient Privacy”, 7 March 2020, Inforrm (accessible at https://inforrm.org/2020/03/07/coronavirus-media-reportage-and-patient-p...)
- J Gligorijević “Forcing online platforms to remove footage of violent attacks: could privacy help?”, 21 March 2019, Inforrm (accessible at https://inforrm.org/2019/03/21/forcing-online-platforms-to-remove-footage-of-violent-attacks-could-privacy-help-jelena-gligorijevic/)
- J Gligorijević “Breaching Injunctions in Parliament: An Unconstitutional Abuse of Parliamentary Privilege”, 29 October 2018, UK Constitutional Law Association (accessible at: https://ukconstitutionallaw.org/2018/10/29/jelena-gligorijevic-breaching-injunctions-in-parliament-an-unconstitutional-abuse-of-parliamentary-privilege/)
- J Gligorijević “Upholding celebrities’ privacy and problematising news media claims to freedom of expression: Sir Cliff Richard v BBC”, 29 July 2018, Inforrm (accessible at https://inforrm.org/2018/07/29/upholding-celebrities-privacy-and-problematising-news-media-claims-to-freedom-of-expression-sir-cliff-richard-v-bbc-jelena-gligorijevic/)
Dr Gligorijevic’s research covers the fields of media law and constitutional law, from both a doctrinal and a theoretical perspective.
Her published research has been cited, quoted, and adopted by the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales (extra curially), the High Court of Australia (Hon Justice Gageler in Farm Transparency v NSW [2022] HCA 23), the Victorian County Court (Waller (A Pseudonym) v Barrett (A Pseudonym) [2024] VCC 962), and by the Commonwealth Attrorney-General's Department (in its privacy law reform recommendations), as well as in legal textbooks and by scholars across the world in their own research and academic commentaries.
Dr Gligorijevic was the 2024 Law Research Fellow at the University of Cape Town: she was awarded this internationally competitive, fully funded research fellowship, which allowed her to lead a transjurisdictional project on the place of privacy in private and public law. She was also awarded the Gerard McCoy Visiting Fellowship, at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
While at Cambridge, Dr Gligorijevic was a researcher at the Centre for Intellectual Property at Information Law, where she conducted research into the free speech implications of the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
Research projects & collaborations
- forthcoming: J Gligorijevic “In Defence of a Modest Conception of Proportionality” in J Griffiths, J Stellios and J Gligorijevic (eds) Current Issues in Australian Constitutional Law, Vol III (forthcoming, The Federation Press, 2026).
- forthcoming: J Griffiths, J Stellios and J Gligorijevic (eds) Current Issues in Australian Constitutional Law, Vol III (forthcoming, The Federation Press, 2026).
- J Gligorijevic “Tort-Based Protections for Data Privacy” in D Clifford, J Paterson and KH Lau Data and Private Law (Hart, 2023), Chapter 9, pp 143-160.
- J Gligorijević “Privacy, Liberty and Security: Implications for the Legitimacy of Governmental Surveillance” in A Brunon-Ernst, J Gligorijevic, D Manderson, and C Wrobel (eds) Law, Surveillance and the Humanities (EUP, 2023), Chapter 5.
- A Brunon-Ernst, J Gligorijević, D Manderson, and C Wrobel (eds) Law, Surveillance and the Humanities (EUP, 2023).
- J Gligorijevic "Taming the ‘chilling effect’ of defamation law: English experience and implications for Australia" (2022) 50(2) Federal Law Review 221-248.
- J Gligorijevic "A Common Law Tort of Interference with Privacy for Australia: Reaffirming ABC v Lenah Game Meats" (2021) 44(2) UNSW Law Journal 673.
- cited in Farm Transparency International Ltd v State of NSW [2022] HCA 23, per Gageler J, [90].
- adopted and quoted in Waller (A Pseudonym) v Barrett (A Pseudonym) [2024] VCC 962, [259], [301], [315].
- J Gligorijevic "Children’s privacy: The Role of Parental Control and Consent" (2019) 19(2) Human Rights Law Review 201-229.
- J Gligorijević "Privacy at the Intersection of Public Law and Private Law" [2019] Public Law 563-580.
- J Gligorijević “Publication restrictions on judgments and judicial proceedings: problems with the presumptive equivalence of rights” (2017) 9(2) Journal of Media Law 215-231.
- J Gligorijevic “Parliamentary privilege reaffirmed” [2014] NZLJ 393.
Research grants and Funding
University of Cape Town Law Research Fellowship (fully-funded research fellowship: 2023, for 2024).
Glasgow University Law School Visiting Scholar (travel grant, 2024)
ANU ERC Research Travel Grant (full funding for invited participation in internationally competitive conferences in Washington DC (Privacy Law Scholars) and Ottawa (Public Law Conference), 2024)
ANU Law Research Travel Grant (full funding for international travel to conferences in the US, Canada and the UK, 2024)
ANU Outside Research Programme grant (funding for international research leave, including conferences and visiting fellowships)
Gerard McCoy Visiting Fellowship (fully-funded research fellowship: 2021, for 2023).
Tasmanian Law Reform Institute, contracted expert and co-investigator in major government-funded project: Review of Privacy Laws in Tasmania (RMDB Ref: h0027609/RT.115624) (2021-2022).
- Tasmania Law Reform Institute Review of Privacy Laws in Tasmania (Final Report No 33, May 2024); [2024] TASLRI 33.
- Tasmania Law Reform Institute Review of Privacy Laws in Tasmania (Issues Paper No 32, March 2023); [2023] TASLRIIP 32
Rouse Ball / Eddington Funds research grant, Trinity College, Cambridge (UK; for research into: children’s privacy, the right to privacy and public law, and freedom of expression and harmful expression; 2017, 2018).
- J Gligorijevic "Privacy at the Intersection of Public Law and Private Law" [2019] Public Law 563-580.
- J Gligorijevic "Children’s privacy: The Role of Parental Control and Consent" (2019) 19(2) Human Rights Law Review 201-229.
Hollond Fund research grant, Trinity College, Cambridge (UK; for research into: conflicts between human rights, the right to privacy and public law, and freedom of expression and harmful expression; 2018).
- J Gligorijevic "Privacy at the Intersection of Public Law and Private Law" [2019] Public Law 563-580.
Yorke Fund research grant, University of Cambridge (UK; for research into the right to privacy and public law; 2017).
- J Gligorijevic "Privacy at the Intersection of Public Law and Private Law" [2019] Public Law 563-580
Postgraduate European Private Law Fund (PEPP) research grant (EU / UK; for research and collaboration on aspects of European private law - principal focus on: human rights remedies in English and Welsh private law, and English and Welsh approach to privacy in private law)
- J Gligorijevic “Publication restrictions on judgments and judicial proceedings: problems with the presumptive equivalence of rights” (2017) 9(2) Journal of Media Law 215-231.
Hollond-Whittaker Research Studentship in Law, Trinity College, Cambridge (UK; for doctoral research into rights conflicts, privacy and freedom of expression; 2016-2019).
LB Wood Fund grant (NZ; for graduate research in the UK; 2015-2016).
Gordon Watson Fund grant (NZ; for graduate research in the UK; 2015-2016).
Chevening Fund grant (UK; for graduate research in the UK; 2015-2016).
Dr Gligorijevic consults on a range of issues in both media law and constitutional law, and has provided advice to NGOs the UK and Australia.
Dr Gligorijevic is often asked to comment on legal issues in privacy, defamation, freedom of expression, and constitutional law, by leading news media, including The Washington Post, BBC News, CNN, The Australian, SkyNews, The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and SBS News. Her interviews have been republished in international and national media.
Refereed journal articles
- J Gligorijevic "Taming the ‘chilling effect’ of defamation law: English experience and implications for Australia" (2022) 50(2) Federal Law Review 221-248.
- J Gligorijevic "A Common Law Tort of Interference with Privacy for Australia: Reaffirming ABC v Lenah Game Meats" (2021) 44(2) UNSW Law Journal 673.
- cited in Farm Transparency International Ltd v State of NSW [2022] HCA 23, per Gageler J, [90].
- adopted and quoted in Waller (A Pseudonym) v Barrett (A Pseudonym) [2024] VCC 962, [259], [301], [315].
- J Gligorijevic "Children’s privacy: The Role of Parental Control and Consent" (2019) 19(2) Human Rights Law Review 201-229.
- J Gligorijević "Privacy at the Intersection of Public Law and Private Law" [2019] Public Law 563-580.
- J Gligorijević “Publication restrictions on judgments and judicial proceedings: problems with the presumptive equivalence of rights” (2017) 9(2) Journal of Media Law 215-231.
- J Gligorijevic “Parliamentary privilege reaffirmed” [2014] NZLJ 393.
Books & edited collections
- forthcoming: J Griffiths, J Stellios and J Gligorijevic (eds) Current Issues in Australian Constitutional Law, Vol III (forthcoming, The Federation Press, 2026).
- A Brunon-Ernst, J Gligorijević, D Manderson, and C Wrobel (eds) Law, Surveillance and the Humanities (EUP, 2023).
Book chapters
- forthcoming: J Gligorijevic “In Defence of a Modest Conception of Proportionality” in J Griffiths, J Stellios and J Gligorijevic (eds) Current Issues in Australian Constitutional Law, Vol III (forthcoming, The Federation Press, 2026)
- J Gligorijević “Privacy, Liberty and Security: Implications for the Legitimacy of Governmental Surveillance” in A Brunon-Ernst, J Gligorijevic, D Manderson, and C Wrobel (eds) Law, Surveillance and the Humanities (EUP, 2023), Chapter 5.
- J Gligorijevic “Tort-Based Protections for Data Privacy” in D Clifford, J Paterson and KH Lau Data and Private Law (Hart, 2023), Chapter 9, pp 143-160.
Book reviews
- J Gligorijević, ‘Book Review: A Free and Regulated Press: Defending Coercive Independent Press Regulation by Paul Wragg’ (2022) 44(2) Sydney Law Review 339.
- J Gligorijevic "Protecting Personal Information: The Right to Privacy Reconsidered by A Monti and R Wacks" (2020) 79(3) Cambridge Law Journal 192.
Selected conference papers
- “In Defence of a Modest Conception of Proportionality”, commentary on Justice Jeremy Kirk "Revisiting Proportionality", Third Zines Symposium: Current Issues in Australian Constitutional Law, ANU School of Law, November 2024
- “Public Wrongdoing and the Limits of Privacy”, ANU School of Philosophy, invited research presentation, November 2024
- “The nature of parliamentary privilege”, Glasgow University School of Law Public Law Centre, July 2024
- “Parliamentary Privilege: Right, Duty or Power?”, Public Law Conference, University of Ottawa, July 2024
- “Protest, Surveillance and Privacy”, Privacy Law Scholars Conference, Georgetown University, Washington DC, May 2024
- “Rights Conflicts in Media Law”, University of Cape Town Private Law Departmental Seminar, May 2024
- "Privacy in Private Law”, Conference on Privacy and Private Law, University of Cape Town, May 2024
- “Defamation Reform in Australia”, Defamation Reform Conference, Glasgow University School of Law, November 2023
- “Judicial Scrutiny of Executive Power”, Inaugural Gerard McCoy Memorial Lecture, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, March 2023
- “Privacy and Tort Law: protecting informational privacy at common law”, Data Rights and Private Law workshop, University of Melbourne Law School and ANU College of Law, November 2022
- “Emergency, Acquiescence, and Accountability: Re-making the judicial role in scrutinising executive power?”, Public Law Conference, University College Dublin, July 2022.
- “Public Wrongdoing and the Limits of the Right to Privacy”, Privacy Law Scholars Conference, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, June 2022.
- “Privacy and Tort Law: protecting informational privacy at common law”, Data Rights and Private Law Colloquium, University of Melbourne Law School and ANU College of Law, November 2021.
- “Narrowing the tort of defamation: serious harm threshold and public interest defence - English experience and implications for Australia”, Defamation Law Conference: The Changing Landscape of Defamation Law, ANU College of Law, July 2021.
- “Recalling the Normative Importance of Privacy”, Privacy Awareness Week Panel with Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG (by invitation), ANU College of Law, May 2021.
- "A Liberal Approach to Freedom of Expression", Freedom of Speech Symposium, Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies, University of Melbourne, November 2020.
- "Privacy as Liberty and Security: Implications for the Legitimacy of Governmental Surveillance", ANU Surveillance and the Humanities Conference, September 2020.
- "Freedom of Expression, Liberalism and Harmful Expression", ANU Centre for International and Public Law, August 2020.
- “Privacy, freedom of expression, and English common law”, Trinity College, Cambridge, June 2019.
- “Critique of: J Waldron, The Harm in Hate Speech (2012, HUP, Cambridge, Mass.)”, Cambridge Forum for Legal and Political Philosophy (by invitation), January 2019.
- “Privacy and freedom of expression after Sir Cliff Richard v BBC [2018] EWHC 1837 (Ch)”, Cambridge Centre for Public Law (by invitation), October 2018.
- “Recognising and confronting conflicts between human rights”, Society of Legal Scholars Conference, Queen Mary University London, September 2018.
- “Privacy at the Frontiers of Public Law”, Public Law Conference, University of Melbourne, July 2018
- “Policing speech”, McGill University, Montreal, May 2018.
- “Children’s privacy: the role of parental control and consent”, Trinity College Dublin, February 2018.
- “Protecting Public Figure Privacy in English Private Law”, KU Leuven, March 2018.
- “Critique of: A Preda “Are there any conflicts of rights?” (2015) 18 ETMP 677”, Cambridge Forum for Legal and Political Philosophy (by invitation), December 2017.
Government Submissions and Law Reform Impact
Submissions to the Australian Attorney-General's Department, Review of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), submissions on Discussion Paper (4 January 2022).
- The Australian Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department Privacy Act Review Report (February 2023) adopted Dr Gligorijevic's research and submissions on the general need for a new privacy tort for Australia, citing her research and submissions in the Attorney-General’s recommendations to enact a statutory privacy tort (pp 281-287)
- The Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 contains the new statutory tort for serious invasion of privacy
Submissions to the Australian Council of Attorneys-General, Review of the Model Defamation Provisions, Stage 2 (19 May 2021).
- cited in Consultation Paper: Review of the Model Defamation Provisions, Stage 2 Part B – Policy options (pp 11 and 12), published for the Commonwealth Attorneys-General Defamation Review by the Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety (August 2022)
Submissions to the Australian Attorney-General's Department, Review of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), submissions on Issues Paper (28 November 2020).
- The Australian Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department Privacy Act Review Discussion Paper (October 2021) adopted Dr Gligorijevic's research and submissions in shaping and setting out specific proposals for a new Australian tort of interference with privacy, including, in particular, proposing a minimalist statutory tort as one option for reform, which is one option that Dr Gligorijevic has advocated in her research and submissions. Dr Gligorijevic is quoted and cited at pp 191-195 of the Discussion Paper.
Research committees
- ANU Law Higher Degree Research Committee (Chair, January 2025-)
- ANU Law Research Committee (January 2025-)
- ANU Law Visitors Committee (January 2025-)
- ANU Higher Degree Research Committee (as Deputy ADHDR for Law, 2023-Dec 2025)
- ANU Associate Deans (Higher Degree Research) Committee (as Deputy ADHDR for Law, 2023-)
- ANU College of Law Research Committee (ERC representative, 2022 - 2024); (HDR representative, 2024-Dec 2025)
- ANU College of Law Visitors and Honorary Academics Committee (Aug 2019 - Aug 2021)
Selected academic commentary
- J Gligorijević "Game, Set and Match for the Rule of Law", 10 January 2022, UK Constitutional Law Association (accessible at: https://ukconstitutionallaw.org/2022/01/10/jelena-gligorijevic-game-set-...)
- J Gligorijevic “Freedom of expression, or protection from harm? Regulating online media”, 22 January 2021, ANU Crawford School of Public Policy’s Policy Forum (accessible at: https://www.policyforum.net/freedom-of-expression-or-protection-from-harm/)
- J Gligorijevic "(Un)lawful Lockdown and Government Accountability", 11 May 2020, Scoop Media (accessible at: https://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL2005/S00087/unlawful-lockdown-and-gove...)
- J Gligorijević "Government Accountability for the Lawfulness of Lockdown", 11 May 2020, UK Constitutional Law Association (accessible at: https://ukconstitutionallaw.org/2020/05/11/jelena-gligorijevic-governmen...)
- J Gligorijević “Coronavirus, Media Reportage and Patient Privacy”, 7 March 2020, Inforrm (accessible at https://inforrm.org/2020/03/07/coronavirus-media-reportage-and-patient-p...)
- J Gligorijević “Forcing online platforms to remove footage of violent attacks: could privacy help?”, 21 March 2019, Inforrm (accessible at https://inforrm.org/2019/03/21/forcing-online-platforms-to-remove-footag...)
- J Gligorijević “Breaching Injunctions in Parliament: An Unconstitutional Abuse of Parliamentary Privilege”, 29 October 2018, UK Constitutional Law Association (accessible at: https://ukconstitutionallaw.org/2018/10/29/jelena-gligorijevic-breaching...)
- J Gligorijević “Upholding celebrities’ privacy and problematising news media claims to freedom of expression: Sir Cliff Richard v BBC”, 29 July 2018, Inforrm (accessible at https://inforrm.org/2018/07/29/upholding-celebrities-privacy-and-problem...)
PhD supervision
Dr Gligorijevic welcomes PhD research applications. She is particularly interested in applications from students pursuing projects in constitutional law and media law, both doctrine and theory; and, specifically, projects relating to defamation, privacy, freedom of expression, parliamentary processes and privileges, rights adjudication, and analytic and moral philosophy in the law.
Dr Gligorijevic is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
At the ANU School of Law, Dr Gligorijevic teaches Australian Public Law, Media Law (which she convenes), Torts, and research methods courses (undergraduate and graduate levels). Please see further details of past courses below.
At Cambridge, Dr Gligorijevic lectured or supervised in:
- Constitutional Law
- Civil Liberties and Human Rights
- Law and Information
As the 2024 Law Research Fellow at the University of Cape Town, Dr Gligorijevic lectured on comparative privacy law and rights adjudication in the Private Law & Human Rights course.
ANU College of Law:
- Advanced Legal Methods and Legal Writing (LAWS8800/9800) - course convenor
- Australian Public Law (LAWS1205/6105) - tutor
- Media Law (LAWS4202/8402) - course creator, convenor and lecturer
- Research Leave in Sem 1
- Media Law (LAWS4202/8402) - course creator, convenor and lecturer
- Legal Research & Writing (LAWS2248) - course convenor and lecturer
- Advanced Legal Methods and Legal Writing (LAWS8800/9800) - course convenor
- Australian Public Law (LAWS1205/6105) - lecturer
- Media Law (LAWS4202/8402) - course creator, convenor and lecturer
- Legal Research & Writing (LAWS2248) - lecturer
- Torts (LAWS1203/6103) - course convenor and lecturer
- Australian Public Law (LAWS1205/6105) - lecturer
- Media Law (LAWS4202/8402) - course creator, convenor and lecturer
- Legal Research & Writing (LAWS2248) - lecturer
- Torts (LAWS1203/6103) - lecturer
- Australian Public Law (LAWS1205/6105) - lecturer
- Media Law (LAWS4202/8402) - course creator, convenor and lecturer
- Freedom of Information & Privacy (LAWS8243) - course convenor and lecturer
- Torts (LAWS1203/6103) - lecturer
- Australian Public Law (LAWS1205/6105) - lecturer
- Media Law (LAWS8402) - course creator, convenor and lecturer
- Freedom of Information & Privacy (LAWS8243) - course convenor and lecturer
Public policy impact
Dr Gligorijevic made submissions to the Australian Council of Attorneys-General on its Review of the Model Defamation Provisions (Stage 2), in May 2021. These submissions have been cited for their opposition to the extension of the absolute privilege defence to defamation actions, in the Consultation Paper: Review of the Model Defamation Provisions, Stage 2 Part B – Policy options (pp 11 and 12), published for the Commonwealth Attorneys-General Defamation Review by the Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety (August 2022). Dr Gligorijevic has contributed by invitation to stakeholder roundtables in the Stage 2 review process, in 2021 and 2022.
Dr Gligorijevic also made submissions to the Australian Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department on its Review of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (submissions on Issues Paper), in November 2020. The Attorney-General’s Department Privacy Act Review Discussion Paper (October 2021) has adopted Dr Gligorijevic's research and submissions in shaping and setting out specific proposals for a new Australian tort of interference with privacy, including, in particular, proposing a minimalist statutory tort as one option for reform, which is one option that Dr Gligorijevic has advocated in her research and submissions. Dr Gligorijevic is quoted and cited at pp 191-195 of the Discussion Paper.
Subsequently, Dr Gligorijevic set out in greater detail her view of a minimalist statutory tort of interference with privacy, in her submissions to the Australian Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department on its Review of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (submissions on Discussion Paper), in January 2022. The Australian Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department Privacy Act Review Report (February 2023) adopted Dr Gligorijevic's research and submissions on the general need for a new privacy tort for Australia, citing her submissions on the Discussion Paper in the Attorney-General’s recommendations to enact a statutory privacy tort (pp 281-287). The Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 contains the new statutory tort for serious invasion of privacy.
Dr Gligorijevic's article in the University of New South Wales Law Journal (J Gligorijevic "A Common Law Tort of Interference with Privacy for Australia: Revitalising ABC v Lenah Game Meats" (2021) 44(2) UNSWLJ 673), also sets out a more detailed analysis of the protection of individual privacy in Australian law. This article has also been cited by the High Court of Australia, on how privacy should properly interact with the implied constitutional freedom of political communucation (Farm Transparency v NSW [2022] HCA 23 (Gageler J, [90]), and has been quoted and adopted as authority for an Australian stand-alone common law tort of interference with privacy in Waller (A Pseudonym) v Barrett (A Pseudonym) [2024] VCC 962 ([259], [301], [315]).
In 2021-22, Dr Gligorijevic was a contracted expert in a major government-funded project, the Review of Privacy Laws in Tasmania.
Dr Gligorijevic is also contributing member at the ANU Crawford School of Public Policy, Policy Forum (Asia & the Pacific Policy Society): J Gligorijevic “Freedom of expression, or protection from harm? Regulating online media”, 22 January 2021, ANU Crawford School of Public Policy’s Policy Forum (accessible at: https://www.policyforum.net/freedom-of-expression-or-protection-from-harm/)