Study Abroad and ACICIS

Study abroad is where you arrange your own independent overseas study and have it count towards your ANU degree.

Studying overseas as part of your degree can provide personal and academic rewards, adding value to your ANU experience. Independent study abroad is an option for domestic and international students enrolled in an undergraduate program at ANU.

Study abroad is not a formal ANU program and as such students are not enrolled at ANU during their time abroad. Students need to enrol as international fee paying students at their host university and pay international fees directly to their host university.



Popular options

Popular options study studying abroad include:


Approval Steps - Study Abroad (except ACICIS)

  1. Students complete a Studying Elsewhere Approval form to receive approval from ANU College of Law to undertake the overseas courses prior to departure. 
  2. Students apply at the host University for the courses they wish to study aboard.
  3. Once approved by both the ANU College of Law and the host University, students register their Independent Learning Abroad in order to be covered by ANU travel insurance. 

Approval Steps - ACICIS

  1. Students apply directly to ACICIS on their website. ACICS will liaise with ANU College of Law to seek approval on your behalf.
  2. ACICIS will send you the outcome via email with relevant information and/or documents to fill out.
  3. Once approved by ACICIS, students register their Short Program with Global Programs in order to be covered by ANU travel insurance.

Eligibility Criteria - Bachelor of Laws (Honours)

  1. You have enough elective courses for the courses you wish to receive credit for (eg. 24 units of LAWS electives if you wish to study a full semester of law whilst studying abroad). All compulsory law courses must be completed at ANU.
  2. You have a minimum of 36 units of LAWS courses completed before commencing your application to study abroad, including a minimum of 30 units of 1000 level LAWS compulsory courses (LAWS1201, LAWS1202, LAWS1203, LAWS1204, LAWS1205, LAWS1206).

Please be aware that students cannot usually undertake more than 24 units of law courses outside the ANU College of Law in total throughout their degree. This includes exchange, study abroad and cross-institutional study. See Honours in Law and the discount rule.

Eligibility Criteria - Juris Doctor

  1. Have enough LAWS elective courses for the courses you wish to receive credit for (eg. 24 units of LAWS electives if you wish to study a full semester of law whilst studying abroad).
  2. Have minimum of 30 units of 6100 level LAWS compulsory courses completed before studying abroad (LAWS6101, LAWS6102, LAWS6103, LAWS6104, LAWS6105, LAWS6106). You can commence your application to study aboard before meeting this requirement.

Course requirements to receive ANU credit

Credit will be granted for law elective courses only, unless you are in a LLB (Hons) single degree or LLM and want to count a course as a non-law elective. Compulsory law courses must be completed at ANU.

Courses completed whilst studying abroad for law elective credit must adhere to the following conditions:

  • You cannot undertake the equivalent of an ANU compulsory law course, or a course with significant overlap with an ANU compulsory law course.
  • You cannot have already completed substantially the same course at ANU. For example: ‘legal theory’ in the UK system is a subject that is substantially the same as the course of that name taught by ANU.
  • The course must be offered at a law school within the university (not, for example, a business law course offered by another College/Faculty).
  • The law course must be offered as part of a degree that normally leads to eligibility for admission to practice law in that jurisdiction.
  • The course cannot be a fundamental/introductory international public law course.
  • The course cannot be a legal studies- or criminology-type course.

Please note: you do not need to choose courses that match particular ANU Law elective courses. A major benefit of studying abroad is being able to study a different legal system or law in a different context, and to tap into courses that you would not be able to study at ANU. You certainly do not need to find a university that offers a set of courses that ‘match’ the topic of electives offered by the ANU College of Law.

You can study law courses offered in a language other than English provided that you meet the language requirements of the host university.

If you are in a single LLB (Hons) program or Flexible Double Degree program, you may apply to study abroad solely to study non-law courses as university-wide electives or towards your non-law degree.

If you are in a single LLB (Hons) program, you will still need to seek credit approval from the ANU College of Law, however; if you are in a Flexible Double Degree program and do not intend to study law courses whilst studying abroad, you do not need to seek ANU College of Law approval from your other ANU College.

It is your responsibility to research the courses offered at the partner university to ensure they address issues such as any pre-requisites, language restrictions, restrictions on exchange/study abroad students, and so on. It is also your responsibility to receive prior approval for a course to reassure yourself that it will receive credit upon your return.

Failure to obtain approval for courses studied whilst studying abroad prior to your departure may result in credit not being granted on return.


Law Student and Education Support team

(02) 6125 3483