Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Law
Degree type
Higher Degree Research
Research project topic
Reimagining Democratisation Through Deliberation
Research project
Reimagining Democratisation Through Deliberation: United Nations Peacebuilding In Timor-Leste, Cambodia And Nepal
Michael has a background in Law and International Development. He has worked with the United Nations in Timor-Leste as a Civic Educator and as an Electoral Adviser to the National Electoral Commission (CNE), and in development in Sri Lanka and Cambodia. Previously, he was a Lecturer in the School of Law at Queensland University of Technology, at the University of Southern Queensland and at Southern Cross University. Prior to that he was a Solicitor in both public and private practice.
RMichael’s work focuses on the rebuilding of legal infrastructure in post-conflict situations and on the electoral process as a state building mechanism. His doctoral work with Dr Jeremy Farrall at the ANU College of Law looks at models of participatory democratisation in UN peace-building as a contribution to the establishment of sustainable democratic governance in post-conflict situations.
- PhD Scholar, ANU College of Law, Australian National University
Significant research publications
- "The Future of The Responsibility To Protect", GSTF Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 2016, (JLSS, Vol.6 No.1, (ISSN: 2251-2853, 2251-2861).
- “Democratisation And Timor-Leste After UNTAET: Towards Participatory Intervention”, Hatene kona ba/Compreender/Understanding/Mengerti Timor-Leste, Leach/ Boughton (eds), Hawthorn: Swinburne Press, Australia, 2009, pp.179 – 184.
- "The Rule of the Lawyers: Low Intensity Democracy and the United Nations in Cambodia, Timor Leste and Beyond". Activating Human Rights and Peace: Universal Responsibility, Southern Cross University, Centre for Peace and Social Justice, Garbutt (ed), ISBN: 978-0-9804980-5-9, 2008, Online at: http://www.scu.edu.au/research/cpsj/human_rights/.
- "Democratisation And Capacity Building: An Uncomfortable Alliance In The East Timor National Elections 2001-2002", Activating Human Rights, Porter/ Offord (eds), Peter Lang, ISBN 3-03910-509-4 and US ISBN, 0-8204-7515-7.
- Cambodia after UNTAC: A Human Rights Case Study 1991-1995 , Occasional Paper No. 96/3, Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney, 1996.
- “An Interview with Justice Michael Kirby, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Cambodia.” Human Rights Defender, October 1996.