Winners of Excellence in Education Awards 2020
Excellence in Education Awards

Do you think your lecturer or tutor deserves to be recognised? Found a program that adds value to your learning? Nominate them now for the ANU College of Law Excellence in Education Awards 2021.

In a tumultuous year in which educators had to adapt to a new virtual environment and faced the added challenge of engaging with students via a screen, the Excellence in Education Awards 2020 recognise the accomplishments of all educators, especially those who went above and beyond.

Award for Teaching Excellence

The Award for Teaching Excellence recognises teachers renowned for excellence in teaching who have made a broad and deep contribution to enhancing the quality of learning and teaching in higher education at ANU.

As unprecedented as the events of 2020 were, this year saw the awarding of not one but two winners for this category:

Associate Professor Vivien Holmes
Lawyers, Justice and Ethics

“Each week there have been interactive role plays, small group discussions and plenary discussions, and responses to audio recordings and videos of hypothetical scenarios, which she put together rapidly with the help of CEIST and final year students.”

You can listen to some of the recordings Vivien put together here.

Dr Anne Macduff
Feminist and Critical Legal Theory

“Anne facilitates group discussion, listening and directing as required. She provided a safe and comfortable area in which diverse students could discuss and contrast their view respectfully and honestly.”

As part of her course, Anne's students shared their research through an Instagram page. You can check out their work here.

Award for Excellence in Supervision

The Award for Excellence in Supervision recognises a sustained record of innovative and outstanding supervision of higher degree by research students, including honours and research students within coursework Masters degrees.

This year's award goes to:

Associate Professor Anthony Hopkins
Criminal Law and Procedure

“Anthony has been heavily involved in supervising extracurricular activities, such as the LRSJ Research Hub, which allows students to have a direct impact on policy making… I have worked on multiple submissions with the ANU LRSJ program and Anthony was a particular standout in terms of the clear supervision he provided and the time he was willing to spend on the submissions.”

Award for Excellence in Tutoring

The Award for Excellence in Tutoring celebrates our most outstanding tutors and demonstrators, and reflect the critical importance of this core teaching and learning activity.

The outstanding tutor of the year is:

Luca Moretti
Commonwealth Constitutional Law

“He can draw out the valid points from students and develop his thinking from those points. Students always feel encouraged to participate in the tutorial and contribute to the discussion.”

Award for Program or Service that Enhances Learning

The Award for Program or Service that Enhances Learning recognises learning and teaching support programs and services that make an outstanding contribution to the quality of student learning and the student experience of higher education at ANU.

This year, the award goes to the team who supported the College's educators in their transition to online learning:

CEIST team
Transition to online learning

“CEIST (College Education Innovation Support Team) constitutes a 'Program or Service that Enhances Learning' in the sense of their advice and assistance to convenors during 2020, especially in the transition to online teaching in Semester 1. While the College is fortunate to have CEIST, its members were outstanding during this challenging time and were invaluable in helping convenors.”

You can check out their blog where they feature various educators and their teaching methods here.

Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning

The Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning recognises and rewards the diverse contributions that university staff and associates make to the quality of student learning in higher education.

As there were numerous exceptional educators who stepped up to the challenge of 2020, this year's Citations for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning go to 5 winners:

Andrew Henderson
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) review

“The word that we most uniformly hear about Andrew as an educator is generosity. Andrew is one of the rare individuals who is genuinely, uniformly, and contagiously enthusiastic about education. That enthusiasm is matched by a commitment to research led teaching that is unparalleled.”

Barry Yau
Professional Practice Core

“Only once before in my law degree and graduate diploma have I met a legal academic who has been such an instinctive teacher. Mr Yau encourages strong attention to detail, is kind, hip to modern culture, knowledgeable, relatable and really brings out the best in you as a student.”

Desmond Manderson
Colonialism and the Rule of Law

“As a lecturer, his mode was engaging, intellectual, and challenging. His curation and direction in tutorials facilitated the most engaging discussions I have had at university. And faced with the complication of COVID, Des went above and beyond to expand engagement and learning by stepping forward with live lectures and tutorial and pursuing extra materials in the form of summaries, guides, mini-lectures, podcasts and interviews with scholars engaged within the course, and artwork, music, and videos for illustration or inspiration.”

Dr James Prest
Environmental Law Clinic/Climate Law

“Throughout the course, James has gone above and beyond to get guest lecturers and speakers from the field to give us insightful and interesting talks about the diverse field of environmental law. James himself has sought to cover the field of environmental law, discussing the pragmatic inner workings of development and planning law, project finance law, environmental law litigation and environmental policymaking. He is constantly trying to improve the quality of the course to make it engaging and relevant to daily and future practices which is something any great academic and teacher should aspire to.”

Associate Professor Pip Ryan
Litigation and Dispute Management/MasterMind

“Pip went above and beyond to organise and structure our classes in light of COVID. I felt completely supported and encouraged the entire course. I also really appreciated her innovative assessment of the legal app and using Neota Logic and working with students from the U.S.”


The ANU College of Law WATTLE Award recognises educators with excellent WATTLE pages for their courses.

The best WATTLE page goes to:

Associate Professor Esme Shirlow
International Law

Do you think your lecturer or tutor deserves to be recognised? Found a program that adds value to your learning? Nominate them now for the ANU College of Law Excellence in Education Awards 2021.

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