In the media
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Australia condemns invasive examination of women in Doha

Donald Rothwell  interviewed by The Wire radio

The Artemis Accords take shape

 quoted in The Space Review

International Law and Decolonisation in Africa: 60 Years Later

Ntina Tzouvala  writes in AfronomicsLaw

Australian still being held in Mali despite prisoner swap

 writes in The Strategist

A chance to swing the balance on our High Court the other way

 writes in The Canberra Times

Drive with Adam Stephen

 interviewed by ABC Radio

Public Sector Informant: The new APS social media policy in practice

Kieran Pender  writes in The Canberra Times

Accused child sex abuser to appeal against extradition

Donald Rothwell  interviewed by ABC Radio

Iran wants a hostage deal it can bank on

 writes in The Australian

The changing face of Australian signals intelligence

 writes in The Canberra Times

Can laws compel us to be vaccinated?

 comments in The Canberra Times