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Peter Ridd’s High Court case

Kieran Pender  writes in The Saturday Paper

Learning from the Black Summer

 interviewed by Policy Forum Pod

Australia and the geopolitics of the new space race

 interviewed by ABC Radio National

How to carve up the riches of the sea—Australia, Indonesia, and the sea boundaries

Donald Rothwell  interviewed by ABC Radio National

Biggest police sting ever, the G7 summit, and who’s the Biloela family?

Kate Ogg  interviewed by Bubble Pop Podcast

Biodiversity trading platform will be ASX for farm enviro services

Andrew Macintosh  quoted in Farm online

‘A dangerous time’ in Myanmar: Burmese in California struggle for answers, attention

Jonathan Liljeblad  quoted in Los Angeles Times

Public Sector Informant: Agencies not immune to cyber attacks

 writes in The Canberra Times

Public Sector Informant: Agencies not immune to cyber attacks

 writes in The Canberra Times

Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems: Challenges and Opportunities

 writes in ANU Journal of Law and Technology

Space race could see Australia get dedicated space ambassador

 quoted in The Canberra Times

Space race could see Australia get dedicated space ambassador

 quoted in The Canberra Times