Privacy – Past, Present and Future with The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG

Date & time

05 May 2021 2:00pm - 3:30pm


ANU College of Law Moot Court, Building 6, Fellows Road, Acton, ACT 2601


ANU Law Marketing

Event description

Are you ready for Privacy Awareness Week 2021? Join us on a linear journey of privacy as we hear from some of the greatest legal minds and subject-matter experts.

This panel will include contributions from:

  • The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG: Historical background of privacy law and how it became outdated in contemporary Australia
  • Daniel Stewart, Senior Lecturer at ANU College of Law: Commentary on the upcoming review of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and Data Availability and Transparency Bill
  • Dr Jelena Gligorijevic, Lecturer at ANU College of Law: Recalling the normative importance of privacy

The concept of privacy is inextricable from Australian law and life but has become even more relevant in the current digital era. As we navigate through the unprecedented challenges of a COVID-19 world, protecting personal information and safeguarding data is more crucial than ever before.

Note: This is an in-person event only. The session will not be recorded.


Featured Speakers

The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG
The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG

When he retired from the High Court of Australia on 2 February 2009, The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG was Australia’s longest serving judge.

He was first appointed in 1975 as a Deputy President of the Australian Conciliation & Arbitration Commission.  Soon after, he became inaugural Chairman of the Australian Law Reform Commission (1975-84).  Later, he was appointed a Judge of the Federal Court of Australia, then President of the New South Wales Court of Appeal (1984-96) and, concurrently, President of the Court of Appeal of Solomon Islands (1995-6).  His appointment to the High Court of Australia followed in 1996 and he served thirteen years.  In later years, he was Acting Chief Justice of Australia twice.

Daniel Stewart

Daniel Stewart has extensive expertise in all aspects of administrative law. A senior lecturer at the ANU College of Law, Daniel’s administrative law expertise spans the scope and nature of judicial review, the role, interpretation and drafting of legislation, and the use and disclosure of government information. Daniel teaches as number of advanced and specialised courses on these areas including a postgraduate course on statutory interpretation. His course on information law focuses on secrecy, privacy and access to government information.

Daniel is the legal advisor for Bills for the ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety (Legislative Scrutiny Role). He also acts as a consultant to HWL Ebsworth solicitors. He regularly advises and acts for a variety of government departments on matters involving statutory interpretation and merits and judicial review. He conducts various seminars, workshops and training courses addressing legal issues in regulatory design and compliance, decision-making and statements of reasons, statutory interpretation, FOI and Privacy and merits and judicial review.

Dr Jelena Gligorijevic

Dr Jelena Gligorijevic is a Lecturer at ANU College of Law. She specialises in media law, and constitutional law and theory, with particular interest and expertise in privacy law.

Dr Gligorijevic holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge (Trinity College), and an LLM (First Class Honours) also from the University of Cambridge. Her LLB (First Class Honours) and BA (German, and Political Science) are from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Her doctoral work, which has been cited in the Cambridge Law Journal (2019), examined the nature and resolution of rights conflicts by common law courts, focusing on the conflict between privacy and freedom of expression. Her PhD was conferred by the University of Cambridge in 2020. 

Dr Gligorijevic is currently assisting with a major government-funded review of Tasmania's privacy laws. In addition to her own scholarship on privacy law, Dr Gligorijevic has been invited to write book reviews on the literature on privacy law, including, most recently, by the Cambridge Law Journal.


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