Modern slavery in supply chains: Assessing corporate reporting

Date & time

18 October 2021 5:30pm - 6:30pm




ANU College of Law

Event description

Who makes our clothes and under what conditions do they work? Join experts and student research interns from ANU College of Law who will discuss the emerging patterns of corporate reporting on modern slavery. Senior students will present their research conducted for the Walk Free Foundation on corporate reporting behaviours in the garment and fashion industries about measures taken within supply chains to address the risk of forced labour and other slavery-like practices.


  • Professor Jolyon Ford SFHEA, Associate Dean (International)
  • Associate Professor Matthew Zagor, Director of Law Reform and Social Justice (LRSJ)
  • Emily Bailey-Hughes, Walk Free Intern
  • Samuel Cass, Walk Free Intern
  • Dominic Harvey-Taylor, Walk Free Intern
  • Isabel Gahan, Walk Free Intern

Professor Sally Wheeler OBE, ANU College of Law Dean and ANU Deputy Vice-Chancellor, will make opening remarks.


Professor Jolyon Ford SFHEA

Jolyon Ford is a Professor and Associate Dean (International) at ANU College of Law. His research interests are in regulation of corporate responsibility, business and human rights, torts, counter-terrorism law, rule of law reform, and law and technology.

Associate Professor Matthew Zagor

Matthew Zagor is an Associate Professor at ANU College of Law and the Director of ANU Law Reform and Social Justice (LRSJ). He has 20 years’ experience as a human rights and refugee advocate, practitioner and scholar. His research is characterised by its transdisciplinary approach and diversity, with recent publications covering comparative constitutional law, the legal recognition of refugee narrative identities, the ‘humanity’ turn of international law, and perspectives of legality amongst Israeli soldiers.

Emily Bailey-Hughes

Emily Bailey-Hughes is an ANU College of Law student. She interned at Walk Free, a global organisation with a mission to end modern slavery in our generation by mobilising a global activist movement.

Samuel Cass

 Samuel Cass is a final year Laws/Arts student, majoring in Economics. He is currently working as the associate to Special Magistrate Anthony Hopkins at the ACT Magistrates Court. His research paper for Walk Free examined the role of the financial sector in facilitating modern slavery in supply chains, and the likely impact of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 on the conduct of investors which are beneficiaries of labour exploitation.

Dominic Harvey-Taylor

Dominic Harvey-Taylor holds a Bachelor of Asian Studies and is a final year LLB student. Dominic focuses on socio-legal issues in the Asia Pacific region, specialising in international and comparative law. In 2021 Dominic interned with Walk Free, where his research examined legislative approaches to human rights in supply chains, comparing Mandatory Disclosure regimes to Human Rights Due Diligence. Dominic is also a former intern of the Association for Elections and Democracy (PERLUDEM) based in Indonesia and was Co-Editor-in-Chief of the 2020 edition of the ASEAN-Australia Review.

Isabel Gahan

Isabel Gahan is a penultimate year Law and Arts student majoring in International Relations. Isabel undertook a comparative study of modern slavery and mandatory human rights due diligence legislation in various jurisdictions. From the mapping of transnational reporting and due diligence requirements, Isabel proposed a list of common metrics which may be used to measure corporate compliance with mandatory reporting and human rights due diligence obligations.


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