Meet the judge: the Hon Helen Murrell SC

Date & time

06 March 2023 12:30pm - 1:30pm


ANU College of Law Moot Court, 5 Fellows Road Acton, ACT 2600


ANU College of Law Marketing

Event description

Join us for an engaging and informative session with Associate Professor Heather Roberts and The Honourable Helen Murrell SC, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the ACT.

Hosted by the ANU Visiting Judges program, Associate Professor Roberts will lead an informal chat with Justice Murrell about her trailblazing career and experiences as the first female Chief Justice.

This forum is exclusively open to current law students and promises to provide valuable insights into the legal profession. A complimentary lunch will be served. Register today as spaces are limited.


The Honourable Helen Murrell SC

Commissioner of the New South Wales ICAC

The Honourable Helen Murrell SC, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the ACT, is the first woman to be appointed Chief Justice. She retired in March 2022 and has since been appointed as one of the Commissioners of the New South Wales Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).

Her Honour was admitted as a solicitor to the Supreme Court of New South Wales in 1977. From 1977 to 1981 her Honour practised at the Commonwealth Crown Solicitor’s Office and NSW Legal Aid Commission. In 1981 to 1996 her Honour practised as a Barrister and practised criminal law, administrative law, environmental law, common law and equity. From 1994 to 1996 her Honour was the first Environmental Counsel for the NSW Environment Protection Authority. In 1995 her Honour was appointed Senior Counsel in New South Wales. From 1996 to 2013 her Honour was appointed as a Judge of the District Court of New South Wales. In 1996 her Honour was also an Acting Judge in the Land and Environment Court of New South Wales. From 1997 to 1999 her Honour was President of the Equal Opportunity Tribunal of New South Wales. At the same time her Honour was Deputy President of the Administrative Decisions Tribunal of New South Wales, Head of the Equal Opportunity Division. From 1998 to 2003 her Honour was the first Senior Judge of the Drug Court of New South Wales. In 1999 her Honour was a member of the United Nations Expert Working Group on Drug Courts, Vienna. From 2005 to 2013 her Honour was Deputy Chairperson of the New South Wales Medical Tribunal.


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