Mediation: a practical guide

Date & time



ANU College of Law, Moot Court


ANU College of Law Marketing

Event description

Presented by the ANU Visiting Judges program, the Honourable Helen Murrell SC will share her informed and insightful views on mediation. With her extensive experience as both a lawyer and a judicial officer, her presentation is expected to cover practical aspects of mediation.

This presentation is valuable for both beginners and experienced mediators, and all ANU College of Law students and staff are welcome to attend.

About the Hon Helen Murrell SC

Educated at the UNSW, the Hon Helen Murrell SC completed her LLB/ BA in 1976. She undertook a Diploma of Criminology from the University of Sydney in 1981. Her Honour has held a range of legal roles, practising first at the Commonwealth Crown Solicitor’s Office and the NSW Legal Aid Commission, and then as a Barrister from 1981 to 1996. She practised in a wide range of areas, including: criminal law, administrative law, environmental law, common law and equity.

Her Honour was first appointed as a judge of the District Court in NSW in 1996. Whilst working in that Court, she also held a number of important judicial leadership roles in the Equal Opportunity Tribunal, the Administrative Decisions Tribunal and the NSW Drug Court. In 2013, her Honour was appointed as Chief Justice to the ACT Supreme Court. The Hon Helen Murrell SC was the first woman to be appointed as Chief Justice in the ACT. She retired as Chief Justice in March 2022.


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